Chapter 7

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Natsu's POV~

     God why did I do that?? I'm so freaking dumb, I need to keep my anger under control to stop this from happening again. I feel kind of bad but there's no way she'd ever forgive me for what I just did. I shouldn't be forgiven. I'm a monster and I'll always be one

Lucy's POV~

    Ugh my head. What happened? I looked down to see the all familiar bed spread covered in blood bringing all the memories back to my head. N-No. No. No no no no no! This can't be happening! I can't be here! I can't take this anymore!! I begin to hyperventilate as I struggle to get out of the chains restraining me. I feel my heart rate quicken and my breathing become more and more uncontrollable. my head began to spin and my vision began to grow blurry as a panic attack started to consume me. I flailed my arms and legs around as I started to cough and wheeze from not enough air in my lungs. My lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and the intense fast breaths. I was crying uncontrollably, tears fell from my eyes like waterfalls. I continued to flail around trying to get free when I felt two strong arms wrap around me.

"Shhh, please calm down. You'll be okay, just please calm down."

     I kept hyperventilating and crying, it was getting so hard to breathe. I couldn't see anymore all I saw was darkness. I let the darkness consume me as I passed out.  

Natsu's POV~

    Damn it, she's knocked out cold. God I'm such a freaking asshole to make her go through this.

I pick up her very limp body and place her carefully onto a chair. I begin to take off the sheets on the bed and replace it with some new clean ones. Once they were on I picked Luce back up and head into the bathroom that's connected to the bedroom. I prop her up against the sink and begin to start the water for the bath. I make sure it's not burning but also not freezing. After a little bit it was perfect, I place Luce carefully into the bath and clean her off. Once clean I dried her off and dressed her in one of my tee shirts, it's an old one but it'll have to do for now. I pick her back up and place her back into the now nicely made bed. I place the covers overtop of her and move to the end of the room and sit down in a chair that's placed in the corner of the room.

-A few hours later-

Lucy's POV~

Huh? W-What happened?

I open my eyes slowly and begin to sit up. I look around the room but can't see much since the lights are off making the room dark. I look down at myself and see myself dressed in a tee shirt and no chains around my wrists.

Did he do this?

I move the sheets aside and kick my feet over the side of the bed. I start to slowly make my way to the door when I caught a glimpse of something in the corner of my eye. I turn my head to the corner of the room and sitting there is Natsu. I begin to panic but try not to show my fear. I inch my hand very slowly towards the door knob. I begin to wrap my fingers slowly around it until he suddenly spoke.

"I'm sorry."

W-What? Did he just apologize? I don't know what's happening.

"I didn't mean to hurt you like that, please forgive me."

What is he talking about? Is he really sorry or is he just trying to trick me?

"Look, I know you probably won't ever trust me ever again but please, please don't leave me all alone."

I'm so confused. I don't know what to think anymore. I-I want to forgive him but I don't know if I can.

Just then I remembered that my hand was still on the doorknob, without even thinking I turn the doorknob and swing open the door as fast as possible. Once it was fully open I took this as my chance and sprinted out the door. I ran as fast as I could down the hall not knowing where I was going.

This place is huge! How in the hell am I gonna get out of here!

I shook the thought out of my head and continued running. I finally made it to the stair case and started making my way down it. At the bottom of the stairs was a big door, I'm guessing it's to the outside. I wrap my fingers around the doorknob and right before I turned the knob I looked back. At the top of the stairs was Natsu, he had tears in his eyes and a few have already made their way down his face. This is probably my only chance to escape but I can't. My fingers won't let me turn the doorknob. I let go of the doorknob my hand falling to my side. I turn around and drop to the floor and begin to cry. Natsu slowly and cautiously made his way towards me with tears still in his eyes. Before I could speak his big strong arms wrapped themselves around me.

"I'm sorry, I really am."

What am I doing? Why is this happening? I don't know what's going on, am I going insane?

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I just got a job so I've been pretty busy. Don't worry though! I'll try to find the time to update these and it'll hopefully be sometime soon!

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