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She waited, frustrated. Why did they have to be here? She had more important things to be doing like planning hers and Sasuke's wedding. Suddenly a man she knew as Ino's dad came in.

"Hello Sakura. It's nice to see you again."

"Hello. Not that it isn't nice seeing you or anything, but could you tell me why I'm hear. I know that Tsunade-Sama explained it, but she didn't go into much detail." She asked.

"No offense taken. Hokage-Sama was simply concerned about the well being of team 7 and decided that it would be best to get an evaluation done on everyone so that she can have an understanding as to the inner workings of this team." He explained.

"I think I know what you mean, it is just that I believe that I don't need a psychological evaluation done."

"It's just a precautionary measure as the rest of your teammates have shown signs of being unstable."

"I guess that's alright then. How will this be taking place?"

"I'm glad you asked. There will be two parts to this, an interview and then a look into the psyche."

"How will we get the results?"

"Well after we finish evaluating the team, all of you will sit together as we read the results. Well that's what I think will happen, it's up to Hokage-Sama."

"Sounds good to me."

"Great. Could you start by telling me your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams for the future?"

"Well what I like, I mean the person I like is... My hobbies are... And my dreams for the future..." She replied, squealing for every answer.

"What do you dislike?"

"Naruto!" She growled.

"Why do you dislike Naruto?" He asked calmly?

"Well first of all he's loud and annoying, hen he's always trying way too hard to get attention from everybody. He also keeps getting in the way of my love for Sasuke-Kun." Sakura explained, a dreamy look covering her face at the mention of Sasuke.

"I see. What do you like about Sasuke then?"

"He's just so perfect! He's good looking, talented and I just know that he likes me too. He's just being shy about it. But I won't let that push me away." She squealed once more.

"How do you know that he likes you in return?"

"I just know! I can feel it when he looks at me."

"Out of curiosity, how would you react if someone else was dating Sasuke, let's say Ino for example?"

"No offense, but that would never happen. Sasuke-Kun only has eyes for me."

"I know. It's just a hypothetical situation."

"Even then it wouldn't happen. However if he were to date someone else, then it would be as a joke."

"I see. How do you feel about the Uchiha massacre five years ago?" Inoichi asked after jotting down a couple notes.

"It was a national tragedy. Poor Sasuke-Kun had to go through all that by himself. It makes me want to just hold him so that he can just let out his feelings."

"How do you see Sasuke confessing his love for you?"

"Well I'll be facing a strong enemy and then Sasuke will swoop in and take down the enemy before holding me and telling me how much he loves me and that it was wrong if him to keep it hidden as long as he did."

"You sure have put a lot of thought into this."

"What can I say? I'm in love." She smiled.

"Moving on, Which positions do you think the members of your team play during a battle?"

"Kakashi-Sensei is and Sasuke-Kun are both vanguards while I'm support and Naruto is bait."

"Why would you say that Naruto is bait?" He asked, a little confused.

"Well because he's annoying and loud and could get anyone to be distracted."

"Was that a complement?"

"Of course not! It's not a good thing being annoying and loud. We're ninja, we're supposed to be stealthy. We aren't comedians."

"So you think that Naruto would be good as a comedian then?"

"I didn't say that."

"Well you did just compare him to a comedian. Does this mean you find him funny?"

"I do not. Comedians aren't funny at all. All they do is annoy people. I don't even consider it a form of comedy."

"I see. Well that concludes the interview. Now it's time for the second part. Are you ready?"

"Yes, go ahead."

Inoichi made several signs before silently activating the Jutsu. Opening her eyes she noticed she was standing in a hall way that reminded her of the academy but with different grey colored doors.

"What do you know of memory storage?" Inoichi asked her.
"I do know a little bit from Ino-Pig but not much since we didn't do it in class cause everyone else there was too stupid to understand, well apart from Sasuke-Kun of course." Sakura replied, instantly sounding snobbier than before.

"Well, individual memories are like doors on a hall way. The quality of each memory is represented by the ware the door gets, better quality memories have better quality doors while more fuzzy memories usually have doors which are broken down. How ever, the door can also represent the type of memory. Such as the darker the door, the darker the memory, the bigger the door, the bigger impact the memory left." He explained.

Looking around she noticed that most doors were a light gray, average sized, with average ware. Turning to Inoichi she saw him smile slightly as if he were satisfied.

"There are some more areas that I'd like to examine if you don't mind."

"Knock yourself out."

Turning to the closest door, the pair entered to see a memory of her days in the academy. She smiled as she watched Sasuke beat Naruto in the mock battle before growling at Naruto's rude behavior afterwards. Looking up, she saw Inoichi watching her rather that the battle and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Let's go to the next one shall we?"

Sakura longingly gazed back at the younger Sasuke before nodding and stomping after the man out back into the hallway. The next door they went to was a much darker and larger one which stood out amongst the lighter colours.

Entering, she realised that she was once again in the forest of death. A familiar and eery laugh echoed and Sakura whipped around to see Orichimaru as the grass nin. Her eyes widened at memory of Team Seven's beat down repeated it self in front of her. From the swallowing of the scroll to Naruto's appearance, the strange red chakra that helped Naruto, ending with the bite which caused the curse seal. Witnessing it all over again caused her to growl at the snake Sanin now that she was watching rather than participating. He gaze drifted from the unconscious form of her crush to the dangling body that was Naruto. Was it wrong for her to still claim she hated the boy after all he's done for her? No that can't be right. He's always getting in the way of true love! Yea that's right, he's a distraction so that Sasuke can land the finishing blows. She could feel Inoichi's watch her emotions dance but she was too focused to do anything about it.

"I think I've seen enough." The man sighed before releasing the Jutsu and writing his findings down. "When everyone has finished, someone will come and get you okay?"


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