Chapter 3

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" Roxy!"

I snapped my head around finding Robins confused face. Robin approached us and looked to Harry

"So do you have a phone we could use?" Robin asked as I remembered that was what I was meant to ask Harry for.

"A phone?, no sorry" He said with a soft frown

"What how can you not have a phone? its 2013" Robin said with a puzzling look

"Erm my mam wont let us get one, she's not really fond of technology" with a shrug

"Do you know where we could get one?"

"Well the next house is about 3 miles away"

"WHAT noooo" I yelped

" Your welcome to stay over at my house till you get somewhere better" He said with a considerate smile

"No its okay we have the tour bus" I said slightly down that I wouldnt be able to spend time with this guy

"Roxy the electric is gone so we have no lights, no heat, no" "So shall I help you with your bags" Harry said cutting off Robin with a smirk.

We began walking over when my heel broke and I fell. Harry rush over and looked me in the eyes " You okay?" he said sympathetically. I nodded and couldnt take my eyes off him again, he picked me up and carried me while walking towards the bus. Being this close to him let me see his features much better and it was like he was flawless. He had a irresistable minty smell that just made me swoon, wow I'm meant to be a rockstar, why is he doing this to me.

I really liked him but I wanted to keep a bit of space, I mean I don't even know him and feeling like that about someone is not right. Besides I want to just be friends with him.

He grabbed my grey suitcase with his muscular arms and let out a breathe out which sounded so sexy I almost died.

"Harry? you alright there?" I asked in a really concerned accent. "cmon let me give you a hand." I offered to help him but he pushed me lightly out of the way.

"I don't own these babies for nothing" he pointed at his muscles. They had a bit of shininess and it looked perfect. "Plus it's alright, Roxy you go inside my house and rest".

I got closer to the house and saw it looked vintage and quite old. It was mostly wooden but it actually looked really homely. I hesitantly knocked on the door and was met by a smile from a woman in her 30's.

"Hello dear, would you like some help?"

" Erm well Harry said me and my bus driver could stay over, if you don't mind" I was slightly nervous of what she would say, a lot of people are really judgemental of my look.

"No of course not, come in come in!" She guided me to their living room and told me to sit while she brought over some food. 2 minutes later Robin and Harry joined me.

" mum where's Gemma?" Harry looked alarmed

" she's fine, she went to the stream" his mum reassured him. " who's Gemma?"I blurted out, I couldn't help myself I'm a curious person.

"My sister, I think you two are gonna get on well together" he grinned. I was just glad it wasn't his girlfriend or something, that would have been awkward.

As soon as he said that I heard the door open

" mum I'm home! "

Fame to Farm (Harry Styles Fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now