Chapter 16

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Roxy P.O.V

The first day went really slow. Everything felt the same and I felt kind of the same, the fans, the songs, the audience, basically everything.

I want him back, I need him back.

Gemma P.O.V

I laid in bed easily hearing Harry crying through the wall

It had been a week since Roxy left but he's not coping. He stopped talking much and barely comes out of his room. Everyone in the house is worried about him. If only Roxy didn't leave and I actually thought she loved him, she was willing to change for him but she just left, leaving him standing in the field without even a proper apology. The least she could've done was visit since she owned a helicopter, I mean she's a lot more different than I thought

I couldn't take it anymore

I got up and took out my secret phone dad gave me to make calls to him. I looked up roxy's next show but it was sold out so I'm just going to go to see if she recognises me. He left a number for a cab so I called and arranged it to take me and I packed a bag in case anything goes wrong.

It took 20 minutes but he finally honked and I ran outside in case anyone woke up and tried to stop me. I left a note on my bed anyway if they get worried.

The taxi driver was in his 40's with a gold tooth showing when he gave a grimy smile.

I avoided talking by giving him a piece of paper with the address on it. The car was a 7 seater black Toyota and I was scared as hell

The ride was about an hour long but I got to the stadium, I knew I was late but I just needed to make sure she saw me so we could talk. I waited outside till I could hear crowds of talking, people dressed in black and piercings came out and many stared at me and laughed. I guess I should've worn something similar to them but this way Roxy could be able to see me more easier. After nearly everyone had left I saw the red bus moving so I ran after it screaming

"Roxy Roxy!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs which failed since the bus just went even faster, probably thinkng I was a crazy fan. I stopped running and just stood there but a window opened and Roxy's black hair flew around in the air. Her facial expression was shocked and she shut the window. Thinking she was gone I turned around trying to figure out how to get back home.

Suddenly the bus screeched to the side of me almost giving me a heart attack since I didn't hear it coming. Roxy came running out the bus.

"Gemma what are you doing here!" she screamed but she was smiley so she was probably happy I was here. I remembered what I was actually here for

"You need to get back with Harry"

Fame to Farm (Harry Styles Fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now