Chapter 4

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In came a girl who looked like a mixture of Harry and his mother. She looked around and her eyes fell on me.

"Who are they?" she asked rudely

"Gemma stop it, this is Roxy & Robin, they are gonna stay with us till they find somewhere else" he explained. She gave me a dirty look and went into what I assumed was the kitchen. 

There was a awkward silence till Harry spoke up " So why don't I give you guys a tour eh?" Me & Robin nodded. Harry's mum ,whom I learned her name was Anne, showed Robin around while Harry showed me around. 

" And this is where you'll be staying, if you need anything you know where I'll be" He winked before he shut the door. I could feel red brushing across my cheeks, Harry is going to drive me mad. I laid down onto the bed looking around the room, it was simple with a cream wooden wardrobe and a small window looking across the fields. It was dark now but the moonlight made the sight look fascinating, I cuddled up to the covers and began falling into a sleep.

Bright light came through a slit between my curtains and woke me up. I got up and tiptoed to the bathroom and cleaned up. I felt my stomach rumble so I went downstairs and saw Gemma eating eggy bread. As soon as she saw me she rose her eyebrows expecting me to say something.

"Good Morning" I said nervously. She let out a annoyed sigh and went out the door, was I that much of a bother?

" Mornin' Rox" Robin greeted me while coming down the stairs.

"Hey nice sleep?"

"Yeah that Anne is beautiful isnt she? Can you ask Harry if she's single?" He asked 

My eyes widened "Robin! she's letting us stay in her home, you better not take advantage of her" I scolded him. He gave me a puppy look and I groaned.

"Fine but its gonna be awkward as hell" I crossed my arms

"Whats gonna be awkward as hell" I heard a voice behind me.

"Err erm er" I stuttered

"She said ' bored as hell'" Robin saved me but I realised how mean that must've meant to Harry. I saw him frown but recover it with a smile.

"Well since your bored, why don't I show you what we do for fun around here?" He asked

"Sure" I replied cautiously

Fame to Farm (Harry Styles Fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now