Ask the author & DiL

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When an author answers the questions asked by his/her dear readers, the bond between them strengthens. I love you all for staying with me. So, here I present you lovely questions and their dumb answers.

1. At what age you started writing?

I wrote short stories in my second language 'Hindi' when I was 9 years old (English is my third language). I think it was the first time I started writing. When I read them now, I realize, that I truly have no talent in writing at all XD

2. Where in the world do you live?

Dear reader, I live in New Delhi, India.

3. What are your hobbies?

Haven't you figured out yet? Lol. Reading, writing and listening 'quality' music.

4. Your first thought(s) before posting DiR chapter 1?

"Should I post it? What if nobody reads it? I suck at grammar. Will people hate it? What if no one likes the chapter? Should I write the next chapter already? Crap! I will delete the book if I don't get any reads at all. Yeah, that's it!"

5. Your inspiration?

My inspiration since a young age has always been R.L. Stine. I love his sense of humor and horror. His books make you turn pages until you read the whole book and keep you hanging in the end too. That's where I got my 'end-the-chapter-at-cliff-hanger' thing from. I loved the movie Goosebumps. His cameo made my day. He is awesome.

6. Who is your favorite character in the book?

Now this is a very hard question. My favorite character is...Victor. I love the way he talks. He is mysterious and romantic. *hides a smile* Yup, I like him. But Nate is cute...and Jon is cool...

7. Can I ask for five random facts about you?

Five random facts: [1] I've dark black eyes. [2] I'm a very quiet and shy person until you get to know me. [3] I read manga.  [4] I'm extremely loyal and protective. [5] I say 'God!' a lot even though I'm an atheist.

8. Your favorite Netflix show? (TVD?)

It may sound weird but I don't have a Netflix subscription (Man, it's damn costly). *shrugs* I don't watch many shows but my favorite is The Flash. I'm a huge SnowBarry shipper. And Gotham is also an intriguing show btw.

I only watched  10 episodes of TVD season 1 and I watched season 4. I missed the in-between seasons.

9. What character did you connect to the most while writing?

I think, out of the three POV's I've used in the book, I connect with Karen Michaels the most. Not only because she is a girl but honestly while writing her POV, I'm more comfortable. I know what she was going to say exactly. I know what I had to make her think. She is strong, yet fragile.

She is 'slightly' different from the heroines we mostly see in vampire fiction. Karen isn't perfect. She knows her limitations. And she isn't clumsy (she doesn't bang her head into a wall which is someone's chest or trip on the stairs all the time). Other thing about her is; even when she got her powers as a witch, she still hasn't mastered them all. She is still learning.

10. With whom is Karen going to end up with? (asked every human reading Dark Choices)

IDK. I'm thinking of getting her killed...*evil grin*

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