Chapter 6

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*2 months later*
*Hailey's POV*
I finished writing my song. It's called That Should Be Me. It goes like.....

Everybody's laughing in my mind
Roomers spreading 'bout this other girl
Do you do what you did when u did with me
Does she love you the way I can
Do u forget about the plans that u made with me cuz baby I didn't
That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong
I can't go on till you believe that
That should be me
Ohhh ohhh ohhh
That should be me
Ohhh ohhh ohhh
* I'm to lazy to write the rest😂😂*
So yea that's the song. I have my manager. His name is Anthony. Yea my best friend😂. He told me to tell him when I'm done with my song so I'm going to tell him. "Anthonyyyy" I yell "Hesleyyyyy" he yells back. I love when he does that. "I finished my song" I said. "Really" he said surprised. "Yea" I said. "Okay ur first concert is tomorrow" he said. "Why so early" I said. "Because I already contacted this place where singers go to sing like 2 weeks ago😂" he said. "Wow" I said. "Okay can I hear the song" he asked. "Not until the concert" I said. "Okay" he said. I went to my room to take a shower and changed into my outfit for today. *Up in Media* I tell Anthony that I'm going out because I want to see more of Los Angeles. He says okay and I walk out the door. I go to a park and I sit on a bench looking at the little kids playing in the playground. I get up and I go to a ice cream place. I oder and I get my ice cream. I walk around more and I notice that it's been already more than 5hours. I left at 12:00 and now it's 5:45. Oops. I go back and go into my room and change into something comfortable. I sit on my bed and think about the old days. How cat and I used to go out to the mall and come back 7 hours later. I wish I had cat back. And Ashton. And Julian. And Mario. And Hunter. And Brandon. And Geo. And especially Jovani. I miss him the most for some reason. I want to hate him but I can't. For some reason I love him. I remember about all the memories that we made. Like when we were 7 in Halloween. I was marry and he was my little lamb. I wonder if he even misses me right now let me text him.
Me: heyy
Jovani: umm who is this
Me: umm it's Hesley
Jovani: who's Hesley
Me: oh um my friend gave me this number and told me to text it
Jovani: oh well hi
Me: hey can I ask who are u
Jovani: my name is Jovani Jara
Me: wow she did not teach you good
Jovani: what?
Me: did anyone ever teach you not to give a stranger your name
Jovani: yea just that wait do u know who Hailey Selman is
Me: yea why
Jovani: I'm looking for her. My friend Ashton told me that she always wanted to go to Paris and then I went to buy a ticket to go and I was on the plane and then her brother called me and told me that she hated Paris and I left the plane and im wondering where she is. So do u know where she is
Me: wow that's a long text and yea I know where she is
Jovani: where can u tell me
Me: sorry I can't u messed up bad
Jovani: she told u
Me: yea she's with me right now and btw I'm not a girl I'm a boy I lied
Jovani: so whats ur name
Me: Anthony
Jovani: can u plz tell me where she is
Me: no but she said that she never wants to see u and the others anymore only cat and Ashton
Jovani: can I at least talk to her
Me: sure hold up
Jovani: oka y
Me: what do u want Jovani
Jovani: I need u back
Me: sorry but I have a better life over here and I don't want to go back and tell Ashton he's savage😂
Jovani: I'll tell him if u come back
Me: fine I'll text him and btw he knows where I am
Jovani: I thought we were best friends
Me: I thought so too bye
Jovani: Hailey plzzz
It's funny how I pretended to be Anthony but does he really miss me. Wow. I thought that he was happy for me leaving.
*Jovani's POV*
Ugh she left me on read. Did she already find another best friend. I would have to if she did this to me but I need to know where to find her. "Mario where did she always want to go" I asked. "who" he asked back. "Hailey obviously" I said. "Oh she always wanted to go to umm idk just give up we'll never find her" he said "ur right might as well give up" I said said sad.

Hey I'm back with another chapter and I know it sucks. And I know the song is Justin Bieber's but I tried to choose one of his songs so just pretend because its just a story. Oh yea and Justin Bieber will be in the story later on so vote, comment and share if you want more✨ ~hailey🎀

Word count: 974

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