Same Shit Just A Different Day

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3 Years Ago

India's POV :

*beep beep beep beep*

I hit the alarm clock dreading the school day . The only thing I'm happy about is that it's Friday and I'm a senior . I know you're wondering why I'm moping before school , it's because I genuinely hate my school . I know you'll say things like "but you're the most popular girl at school" or "you're beautiful and everyone likes you" . I didn't ask to be liked or popular . I honestly could care less because I only have one real friend in the school . Anyways , I washed my face and brushed my teeth before hopping into the shower . One I got out I left my hair in it's natural , curly state . I then went into my closet and pulled out my outfit for school . I checked myself out in the mirror before texting my bestfriend Nadia telling her I'm in my way to pick her up .

*text convo*

Me : 👏👏👏 Get up bish ! I'm about to come get you for school !

Nadia : I've been up and swagged out 😎 come get me !

Me : Psh you don't have a thing on me I look like the 💣.com ! Be there in 10 !

Nadia : 😂😂😂 Okay !

*end of convo*

I pulled up at Nadia's house and in no time she hopped in and we were on our way to school .

"Girl I hope Rihanna isn't here today , lawd knows I do not have the patience for her ! Bitch knows we run that run down school ." Huffed Nadia as she scrolled through twitter

I laughed "She's not worth the time or effort Nadia and you know it ." I said as I pulled into the school parking lot .

Once we hopped out of the car I gave Nadia my phone so that she could take a picture of me for Instagram . One she took a picture that I liked I posted it with the caption "PhuckYoPics : I know your girl wishes she looked like me 😘💸"

After we made it into the school building we hung out by our lockers until the bell rang signaling it's time for class , me and Nadia headed for home room as someone bumped into me .

"Damn ma , my bad I wasn't watching where I was going" said the boy as I saw a tattooed arm reached for me

"It's okay ." Was all I could say

"Well my name is Michael , but call me Tyga and you are ...?"

"I'm India , I have to go to class . Sorry ." I pushed pasted him

I walked into class and took my seat in the back , Nadia sat beside me . We talked until I saw Michael walk in . He decided to sit and talk with us since he didn't have anyone else to talk to in this class . He invited me and Nadia to sit with him for lunch and we agreed . Girls gave us jealous glares but knew not to open their mouth because me and Nadia could ruin their reputation with the snap of our fingers . Yeah , these hoes better know their place .

(A/N : Picture of India in her outfit for school in MM)

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