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India's POV :

I woke up this morning feeling wonderful as the images from last night came flooding into my head , I was in a bright mood until I realized I was in bed alone . I thought Chris liked me . Chris may not know but I heard him call me beautiful last night . I guess I was wrong ... I hope I'm not though . I took a shower and pulled an outfit out of my new closet to wear to school . I couldn't wait to find out where me and Chris stood . after I got out of the shower and washed my face and brushed my teeth , I got dressed . As soon as everything was ready for school I rushed downstairs to find Chris . He had to take me home so I could get my car from my house . I smelled bacon so I wandered into the kitchen to see Chris cooking breakfast .

"Chris ?"


"I have to ask you something ..."

"Can it wait until I get out of the shower ?"

"Uhhh ... Yeah" I said apprehensively , I wanted to ask now .

"Okay , i'll be right back ."

I nodded as he exited the kitchen . I fixed myself a plate of egg, bacon, and toast as I waited for Chris . He phone beeped , I know I shouldn't snoop and my conscience was telling I was going to regret it but I was so tempted so I unlocked his phone anyways . I immediately regretted it . I was a text from Rihanna . I read the whole conversation .

*Text Convo*

Ri : Wen u comin ova?

Chris : Sometime after school ma. Y?

Ri : I cnt wait dat long breezy I need u now.

Chris : Aight ma, lemme drop India home n I'll be ova

Ri : Fuk dat bish come now

Chris : After I shower ma

Ri : Dnt keep me waitin ;) 'naked picture attached'

*End of Convo*

I can't fucking believe Chris ! I gave him the nickname Breezy , now he has dirty hoes calling him that ! Ugh , I can't even face him . I'll just call Tyga to come get me .

*Phone call*

"Miiiiichaellll !" I whined

"Whhaaaaattttt" he whined back playfully .

"I need you too pick me up from Chris's house and drop me off at my mom's house so I can get my car ."

"Why are you and Chris's house and why can't he do it ?"

"I live here now and he's in the shower, honestly I wat to be gone before he gets out so hurry up ."

"Aight , imma come get you . You can tell me what happed later ma ."

"Okay , thanks Mikey Poo ."

"Yeah , Yeah , Yeah . That gay ass name ." with that Tyga hung up

*End of Phone Call*

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door as soon as I saw Tyga's car pull up . We drove in silence before he spoke .

"Why are you at Chris's ma ?"

"My mother always has different guys in the house so I left ."

"Why'd you need me to come get you ?"

"I don't want to talk about that right now Mikey , I'll tell you later thought ."

We soon pulled up at my house and thankfully my mom's car wasn't there . I gave Michael a quick hug and got out of the car . I was walking into the door as Michael pulled away . I quickly sprinted into the dining room and grabbed my keys and when I turned around one of my mom's 'boyfriends' was standing behind me looking like he just got out of the shower .

"Hi my name's Roger ." he said deeply while giving me a smirk that made me feel uncomfortable .

'I'm India , I have to leave though . Don't want to be late to school ." I said walking towards the dor quickly .

"You're not going anywhere" he said still smirking and blocking my way

"Please just let me leave , I swear I won't come back ." I pleaded already knowing what he wanted to do to me

"You're so beautiful ... I want you ." he said picking me up and carrying me to my old room then slamming me onto my old bed .

"No , please don't ." I said as I felt the tears forming .

He didn't say anything back he just began to rip my cloths off . I kicked and punch him but that resulted in slaps and punches . I went limp until he pulled his manhood out then I kicked him in it . He screamed in pain as I got up and ran to my phone as soon as I grabbed it , Roger grabbed me and threw me on the floor . He punched , kicked , slapped , and scratched me until I could only feel pain and I couldn't stop crying . He then placed me on the bed again and as he tried to get a condom I called Chris , he was my only hope because I was in too much pain to run . I called Chris 10 times with no answer as Roger came back into the room . He had a sinister smile and he said "I'm ready now ." Before jamming his manhood into me without warning . The only thing I could feel was pain as I silently prayed that the torture would be over soon .

As soon as Roger finished he dressed me back up and grabbed me by my hair , he threw me outside on the lawn then threw my keys and phone at me before smirking and slamming the door . I cried as I got into my car and drove back to Chris's house trying to ignore the pain that I was feeling all over my body . As I walked in I called Chris's name to help me but he didn't come . Instead I heard sounds coming from upstairs so I followed them . I already knew they were moans because of the constant sex my mother had while I was at home . I limped to his room and swung open the door .

(A/N : Roger in MM)

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