Bacon Apple Waffles

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"You're late."

"Sorry, Bacon Apple Waffles take a while to cook. Not to mention that I have to climb up multiple flights of stairs to get to the top of the building. well I'm here now." He said smiling, relieved by his words.

"I was having an emergency waffle crisis!" Heather paid him and got her waffle box. "I was close to death!"

"You look fine to me." he said.

She opens the box of waffles, immediately the aroma of cooked sweet crispy bacon filled the room.

Sebastian stood there with a mouth watering awe, caught by the wonderful scent.

"You want a piece?" She asked laughing.

"I thought you'd never ask." he enters her apartment, noticing her high ceiling shining down them with it's warm sunlight.

"You have a loft apartment?" Sebastian said in surprise.

"Yeah,but it's not too big. It's just the way I like it." she smiles as she placed her box of waffles on a small white circle diner table. She grabbed two forks and placed them on top of the box before heading back into the kitchen and taking out a blender.

"What are you making?" he asked as I pulled out orange pekoe tea bags and sweetened condensed milk.

"Honey milk tea. In other words bubble tea. You have a sweet drink with these delicious black honey tapioca pearls. Have you've tried them?" He shook his head as he watched her make the tea she was talking about.

"No. I've heard of it before but, I never tried them."

"Honey and Milk... Have you've ever thought if you and a friend is drinking the same milk from the same cow? Or the same honey, from the same hive? I've always wondered about that." she said, standing in front of the stove as she already had pre-made pearls.

"I've never thought about that before." Sebastian said.

Once she was done making the tea, she put them into a tall glass cups. "Here ya go!" she said, handing him a cup as they both sat down on the table.

She hesitated handing him a fork. "I don't share food with strangers."

"Do you accept waffle delivery boys?" he said with a grin.

"I'll make an acception." she smiled as she pushed the waffle box between them. Heather pours syrup on top and eats a chunk before turning on the T.V. to see a yellow sponge.

"Spongebob? Man, I feel so old watching it." he smiled before eating his part of the waffle. 'He never stops smiling,' thought Heather ,'He always seems so happy about things. It's adorable.'

"So how old are you?" She asked before taking a sip of her tea.


"Understandable. You looked young."

"I get that a lot." his mouth was full until he drank it down with her tea. "Wow, this is really good. You should make me more of these."

She giggles at his comment,"Eh, I can always take it away." she slowly grabbed his cup and slid it away from him. "No my tea!!" he whined before taking it back. She giggles again.

"How about you? How old are you?" he asked.

"I'm 16 and a half." 

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