Belgian Waffles

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"You can't keep doing this Heather. Soon you're going to find yourself being unable to work here." spoke her manager. He had his black and green polo shirt with their logo printed on the back. "You're going to continue to get yourself hurt. You have a choice to either leave Coffee 'N' Things or continue working. If you leave, it'll be understandable."

"I'm going to continue working." she said strong.

He manager sighs and faintly grins,"Next time, if your legs or arms begin to become numb, tell Rachel or anyone and we'll let you rest until you regain your strength. Okay Heather?"

"Yes sir. Thank you."


- - -

"So you ordered Belgian waffles this time?" he said as they traded for her food. This started being their normal thing.

"Yeah, it souned exsotic so I had to try it." Heather said smiling. He entered her apartment as he shut the door behind them. She passed him a fork, sitting on the diner table that had a fancy floral teapot and tea cups. He notices the bruises across her arm and legs. It was obvious as she tried hiding them.

"I was wondering, where are your parents?" he said as she was prepping their waffles.

"They're at work. My mom works as a baker so she'd have to leave early since she takes early shifts. I take my shifts later on the day. And my dad works as A.M.T, of course he'd be leaving early. He has lives to save." She smiles as she lifted a pot of tea. Pouring a cup for him.

Sebastian couldn't help but continue glancing at her bruises and a second degree burn on the side of her right arm. She notices and looks.

"Coffee incident." Heather said.

"What?" he said confused before eating a chunk of their waffle.

"I tripped while I was holding a hot cup of coffee." she said sighing with a slight frown.

'She's so clumsy.' he thought,'But not too clumsy to fall so much...'

She smiles as they ate ,'Something's going on.'

"It feels like I'm never going to see you again ..." she finally said.

Sebastian looks at her in confusion. "Don't say that."

"I can say that. I am dying.." 'What? What is she talking about?' Sebastian thought.

"Are you talking about suicide?" he said in a stern tone, looking at her in the eyes. Her eyes widen. "I'm not going to take away my life for something I could fix!" Heather said in a sad voice, sounding like she was at the purge of tears, until something runs down her cheek.

She wipes it away as he looked down at his lap for what he had just said. "I'm sorry...its me, its not you."

She scoffs and stands up. Waving her hand at him. "You're such a cliche!" She said frustratingly before walking away crossing her arms.

"Well someone needs to keep an eye on you!" he said raising his voice.

Heather turns around as she digs her nails across her fragile skin. "I can look over my self thank you very much! Why can't you just find another girl who isn't going to leave you! the moment you open the door! Why the sick girl? Why me?!"

"Because I love you." he said to what almost sounded like a whisper.

She looks at him speechless, until she shook her head and pointed to the door. "Get out Sebastian. GET OUT!"

He looks at her with no emotion and leaves the apartment, closing the door behind him. Sebastian sighs in saden as he walks away.

Tears were streaming down her face as she grasp a teacup and threw it at the wall before emotionally breaking down screaming. She sobs as she crouches down onto the floor as she realises what she has done. "W-We're done." she said between sobs. "Were finished."

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