Cinnamon roll waffles

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Sebastian gets a call from the hospital, which was unheard from since it was awkward to be sending waffles to a place filled with sick and injured people. Instead of coming in with his uniform, he changed into a red and black phannel.

"Hi sweetie, how many I help you?" spoke the social worker at the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here to visit a girl by the name of Heather..." his voice trails off he doesn't know her last name.

"Oh the girl from yesterday? Ummm, Heather Avery was it?"

He nods as he grasps her bouquet of flowers. "Yes that's her."

"What is your identification and role you play in the family." The Registered Nurse said smiling as she looked at Heather's profile.

"My name is Sebastian Emilio Flynn and.. I'm her boy friend." He said.

"Okay her room is on the 6th floor in room 516."

"Thank you ma'am."

He was nervous to see her as he overheard they saying that her condition was fatal if they didn't' get her to the hospital. She must've been really sick, he thought. But it made him contemplate if that was really the answer.

His heart was racing as he was scared to see once he entered her room.

Sebastian heard the voice of Sam and Dean Winchester playing inside her room as the first thing he saw was needles. Needles punctured her as it scared him.

Her palm skin. And faint grin. "Oh it's you."

"It's me." He said placing her bouquet of flowers in an empty vase.

"Thank you so much Loki." She said in a faint voice. "I'm sorry I can't pay you at the moment, so would it be fine if I can pay you tomorrow?"

Sebastian pulls a chair next to her bed. "There's no need. It's on me."

"I'm sorry that you have to pay for me."

"Don't say that. It's fine."

They both began eating as something shocking happens to one of the main characters. Heather gasps, before looking at Sebastian in shock. "Noo!!! No please no! Dean you're so dead to me!!!" She said squealing.

"Don't worry Heather, he'll be fine." Waved Sebastian before chuckling.

Heather squeezed her pillow before kicking everywhere under her blankets. "He's not!" She said whining into her pillow. "He's going to die!"

"He's not!" He said laughing before wrapping an arm around her shoulder, calming her down. She looks up at him with a pouty face as her hair was sticking up everywhere.

"Aww you're so adorable." He said chuckling before putting her hair over her ear.

She nervously laughs before moving over so he can sit next to him. She gets comfortable under his arm before lying down. They both relax as they laid down.

He looked down at her, noticing her frowning until she looks up with her goofy smile. "Are you okay?" He asked grinning.

She sighs before biting the side of her cheek. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I felt so sad when you left."

Sebastian looks down at her as she sheds a tear, but was wiped away with his thumb. "Don't you think we yell to little?"

For some reason, that made her smile. "That doesn't make sense Loki."

"Think about it and you'll understand. Let it embrace you." 

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