Waffle French Toast

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Today was different. More different from normal.

The sun didn't shine that day. The clouds covered the sun, making the city almost look gloomy. Sebastian, held their box of waffles as he tightened his grip.

The wires.

The needles.

Pale complexion.

Faint smiles.

It just didn't felt right anymore as he was tired. Not tired of her, but tired of staying up late. Thinking about their conversation. She was dying and she only had a limited amount of days to live.

"She's a fighter alright." said one of the nurses he had overheard as they watched her do her daily physical therapy. She was struggling to stand up straight as she held two railings as she attempted to stand."She could've died in the first or second week. If her symptoms gradually start to decrease, she might actually live. But if they don't..." He stopped listening to her as he began focusing on Heather as she fails and almosts falls, but was catched by her nurse.

He made it to her room to be shoved by a nurse as health care providers ran into her room. Sebastian ran in panic and makes it to her doorway, causing his heart to jolts to see her bed surrounded with nurses as her heart monitor was extremely low.

He saw her hand trembling as she grasped the railing for her deal life, as she was unable to handle the amount of air she was lacking. She gasps for air as tears were streaming down her face.

"Heather! Please stay with us!" - "She's having heart failure." - "Where's the doctor!" yelled the nurses as his heart began racing, until someone grabs his shoulder.

It was a tall asian male doctor looking at him with pity. "This isn't the best time right now. Come again later." He said before moving him aside. He looked back at Heather to her hand lost her grip on the railing and fall on her bed.


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