How to Prepare for Sex Scenes

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Much against his better judgement, Nate found himself training Avril Taylor.

It had been a piece of sharp practice on the part of Mrs A. She'd announced she wanted one of her usual session at her home instead of his studio so he had packed up the portable equipment and driven there.

Mrs A had opened the door, a huge beam lighting up her features.

"Why are you grinning like a Cheshire cat?" he asked, immediately suspicious. "You know we're doing high-intensity interval training today so it's no' going to be pleasant."

Mrs A laughed. She had a high-pitched, barking giggle. Nate often wondered how Ronnie stood it. Maybe he did his best never to make her laugh.

"Oh, you! Always so butch and bullying! C'mon through. I thought we'd use the pool area."

Naturally, Ronnie and Elizabeth Armstrong had a swimming pool. Indoors of course as the west coast of Scotland didn't have many days warm enough to swim outdoors. The pool was housed in a huge, glass-ceilinged extension, reclining deckchairs set around it. There was also a room right next to it for changing, and an area that included rowers, a treadmill and a Smith machine for weightlifting.

They walked through her house to the pool. Thanks to the glass ceiling and a heating system Nate suspected had a carbon footprint the size of Glasgow, the room was always comfortably warm. Stretched out on one of the loungers and dressed in a bright red bikini was a thin woman, huge sunglasses obscuring half of her face.

Nate stopped suddenly at the door to the pool area, Mrs A slamming into the back of him.

"Is that...?" he hissed quietly, pointing at the figure he hoped was out of earshot.

Mrs A peeled herself back, ducking under the arm he had placed on the side of the door so that she could stand right in front of him.

"Yes, yes...look, just talk to her. You don't need to train her." She tried and failed to look contrite, a tiny smile returning to her features as he nodded wearily in acceptance.

Turning around so that she was facing the lounger-reclining woman, she clapped her hands.

"Avril, Avril!"

The woman on the chair started slightly. She must have been asleep.

Mrs A gestured backwards at Nate. "This is Nate. The personal trainer I told you about. Nate, Avril Taylor. Ta-da!"

Whispering that this didn't mean she was getting away with not doing any exercise herself as he walked past her, Nate strode forward, arm extended.

Avril swung her legs round and stood up, taking off the sunglasses as she did so. Of course, he'd seen her numerous times over the years – in films, in magazines, in the news, being interviewed and on social media, but seeing her in the flesh proved the universal truth of celebrities. They were always smaller and much thinner in the flesh.

He thought she was about the same age as him, but she had that glossy, polished look that spoke of a rigid diet, expensive beauty treatments and a great deal of life devoted to the body beautiful. She had thick, dark red hair that he suspected was closer to ginger when unassisted by hair dye, and pale skin that showed up the veins in a way that made her look unbearably fragile. Her dark eyes were watching him closely, warily, and having shaken his hand she turned to grab the white towelling robe that was hanging on the back of her deckchair.

Nate wondered if this was as much of a surprise to Avril as it was to him.

Mrs A bounced forward. "Nate's here to give me a training session. Do you want to join in Avril? I can lend you some clothes if you need them?

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