A Meeting with the Sandwich King

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Having investigated Daniel and Nell online, Ryan found out that his uncle owned the sandwich/deli empire, Stuffed! There were several shops in the city and he also owned a fleet of vans that toured the festival circuit.

Ryan had eaten the products – the High Street shop did the best sandwiches in Glasgow, according to Jamie and he often bought sandwiches from there as well as occasional dips and upmarket crisps if he was ever entertaining women. (Jamie felt that women expected upmarket crisps and dips, rather than Pringles and brown sauce, an unlikely but delicious combination he favoured.)

Daniel's wife Nell, Ryan discovered, ran her own graphic design business – mostly doing websites for people. He found pictures of Daniel and Nell online. They were a good-looking couple, and they seemed cool. They might also be useful. Maybe his uncle would employ him for the summer, preferably in one of those vans touring the festivals, or his aunt could show him what she knew about graphic design. Scott had given Ryan a second-hand film camera a few years ago and he had developed his skills considerably since. He fancied a career in TV or film production, and Nell sounded like a useful person, the kind of person who would know people who worked in TV and film.

Having made up his mind that he should meet them, a spanner was thrown in the works. He'd talked the idea over with his mum, who was guardedly encouraging, and then let Jamie know so he could pass the message on.

Days went by, and there was no reply so he had gone to Jamie's flat one evening to see if there was any update.

"Ryan! Wasnae expecting you. Nothin; wrong I hope." Jamie let him in, and told him to help himself to beer. He was in the middle of watching a film.

Ryan took a Bud from the fridge and asked Jamie if he wanted another one. His uncle shouted through, "Nah", and Ryan wandered through to the living room, plonking himself in the armchair. Cocoa bounded over in expectation of the crisps that often accompanied a beer. She didn't seem too disappointed when she didn't find any, wagging her tail furiously and head-butting his hand for attention.

"Did that Nell get back to you?" Ryan asked as he sat down.

Jamie pulled himself up from the prone position he had reassumed on the couch, and paused the TV.

"Aye – she did. Slight problem."

Ryan bristled. What fucking problem?

"They've changed their mind. They dinnae want to meet me after all."

Hearing the challenge in his voice that masked deep hurt, Jamie swung his legs round so he was facing Ryan.

"Nah – it's no' like that. Her and Daniel have split up. Might be permanent." He couldn't hide the elation in his voice and, despite wanting to ask about when Nell and Daniel might want to meet him, separately or together, Ryan couldn't help reacting to Jamie's tone.

"Did you really like her, then?" His uncle had been a long-term relationship up until two years ago. They had lived together and all. Jamie had been desperate to marry her, but Freya hadn't felt the same, and had walked out on him. Ryan had only been a 14-year-old at the time, but he vividly remembered how devastated Jamie had been. He'd been searching for someone to fill Freya's shoes ever since.

He could hardly claim worldly wise experience, but a married woman, albeit one who wasn't with her husband now, didn't seem the wisest choice to Ryan.

"Aye, just ma type."

Ryan raised his eyebrows at that one. If Matt had been there, he would have jumped in with "What? Big tits, no' too many brains and blonde?" Which in truth was more Matt's type than Jamie, though Ryan would have added in "and no older than two decades" for Matt's type.

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