An Accidental Encounter

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"I've always believed there is no face cream that can do the job of Botox and fillers – no matter what their marketing hype tells you. Bu there are some products that..."

Kelly held up one of the jars in front of her and Ryan zoomed the camera in on it. True to her word, Nell had introduced him to her best friend, saying that Ryan wanted a career in film production.

Kelly nodded, and said she was happy to credit his work on her blog if he could help her with some filming. She added that she had friends who worked for the BBC and they could help too. It was a great opportunity.

Kelly's blog wasn't of interest to him – skincare and make-up, for fuck's sake – but he saw how much traffic her site got and the views for the few videos she had up already were impressive. When he'd told his mum about her, his mum had surprised him. "Oh! Kelly. I read her blog all the time."

She had touched her forehead thoughtfully. "She writes some great pieces about skincare. I stopped using some stuff because she said it was a waste of time and money. Anyway, it's nice to get skincare advice from someone real and who tries everything out for you."

Having finished filming Kelly and her review of various new products, he remembered to tell her his mum's comments. She looked extraordinarily pleased.

"Oh – your mum has heard of me! That's nice. I must tell Nate about that."

Kelly must be older than his mum, Ryan guessed. He supposed she was the same age as Nell, and Nell was older. She didn't look the same as his mum though. She wore a lot of make-up – false eyelashes, bronzer and lipstick. Physically, she was quite different from her friend Nell. She was tall and her skin tanned. He thought it might be fake tan. She was also very curvy. Her boobs were...ginormous. He was finding it very hard not to stare at them. At this moment in time, they were covered by a camisole top with an unbuttoned shirt over the top of it. They weren't quite covered enough.

As he filmed her, he thought she glowed. A kind of head to toe thing, a sparkle that shined brightly on the screen. She had mentioned this guy Nate a few times, her face lighting up every time she did so. Ryan guessed he must be her boyfriend. A new one.

"Shall we figure out how to use this editing software then?" she said to him, pointing at the Mac in her living room. They had filmed the skincare review in her bedroom as Kelly felt that was the best place to do it. The Mac was on loan from her BBC friends Leon and Martin. They had offered to edit the film themselves, but Kelly said she wanted to do it. Her insistence pleased Ryan. It meant a) he got to be alone with Kelly, and b) he got to try out some super-expensive, super-sophisticated equipment without too much interference.

Her flat was nice. Very different from Jamie's, he supposed. There was no Cocoa for a start. It was in a cooler location too, in Glasgow's Merchant City. It seemed very... girly. The carpets had been stripped out, and the floor boards sanded and varnished. There were candles and cushions everywhere.

Her bedroom was what Matt would call a "boudoir". Three of the walls were painted a light pink and the fourth had a feature wallpaper in fuchsia and gold She had a large dressing table with lights around the mirror and a walk-in wardrobe. The whole place felt so overwhelmingly feminine, he had been afraid to touch anything in case he left behind grubby fingerprints.

Jamie had told him she'd had a wee fling with Matt some months ago. Ryan raised his eyebrows at that. Wasn't she 20 years too old for Matt? And a bit too brainy too. Seeing the question in his expression Jamie nodded ruefully. "Aye, Matt didn't stick around for long."

In the living room now, she patted the seat next to her in front of the on-loan Mac, its screen bigger than the TV in there. He sat down. The smell of Kelly's perfume up close was overwhelming. Ryan's body temperature soared. He sent up silent prayers that his body didn't let him down, pulling the seat under him closer to the table so that his lap was hidden.

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