How to Eat Chocolate Cake Properly

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What with her usual client demands and arranging the interviews with Avril Taylor, which involved long, protracted emails with her PR manager, Kelly was kept busy throughout the summer.

After the fashion show, Nate emailed her suggesting they meet to discuss his own plans, but there was no gap in her schedule for three weeks. Still, he agreed instantly to the date she suggested, and proposed that they meet in a coffee shop in the city centre.

When the date arrived, Kelly awoke, oddly nervous. She had changed her opinion of Nate. The rude man she had encountered those first times wasn't this Nate. Their conversation as they had walked up the hill to meet Avril's car echoed in her mind. He hadn't been censorious either about her love life.

"Not for the likes of you though, Thompson." A stern talking-to in the mirror when contemplating foolish action was one of Kelly's other life rules. "Shags Hollywood stars, remember?"

Her reflection nodded solemnly back. There was something in the eyes though, that suggested the reflection wasn't taking on board the warning.

She dressed carefully. This was nothing unusual. Kelly always placed stock in clothes, and she dug out her meetings uniform – a trouser suit and heels. The top she wore was the bit she varied, depending on the client. She had one top that managed to minimise those impressive tits – a plain, white garment that buttoned just below her clavicle and didn't gape anywhere.

Pulling it out of her wardrobe, she discounted it straightaway and opted for a wrap top that was occasionally guilty of wardrobe malfunction, displaying more flesh than an occasion warranted. Having put it on and adjusted it, she pulled on her suit jacket, buttoning it up determinedly. The jacket could stay on throughout the meeting, couldn't it?

As a freelance PR consultant, Kelly had learned intuition over the years. She had a feeling Nate's plans would be ambitious, but his budget nowhere near enough to meet his ambitions. Their meeting would be an exercise in managing expectations and she doubted what he would be able to pay for wouldn't be worth her while doing.

These days, if she thought a prospective client's budget was nowhere near expectations she tended to make her excuses and run. Why waste your time? Another Kelly Thompson life rule broken, then.

Nate had suggested that they meet in the Starbucks on Buchanan Street. As soon as she arrived, Kelly realised the venue was a mistake. No matter the time or day, the place was always jam-packed. Nate was standing at the door, looking inside in dismay.

"Rookie error that, eh? Suggesting this Starbucks?" He echoed her thoughts and smiled ruefully at her. She was struck afresh by how good looking he was. There were a couple of women sat at a table near the door and both were staring at him, prodding each other as they did so. Nate appeared not to have noticed.

Here he was in broad daylight. Had Kelly looked that closely at him the times she met him before?

He had the two shadows that ran down the side of his face from his cheek bones to the top of his mouth, the lines that gave a male face classical contouring and shape. His sandy-coloured hair was cropped short, the fringe spiked with gel to give him a slight quiff, and the tee shirt and hoodie he wore did not disguise an upper body that had obviously done its time in the gym.

Thinking about her own appearance, Kelly felt she had made the right choice with the wrap top and heels. And full make-up, naturally.

"There's a place nearby," she gestured behind them. Nate's eyes followed the length of her arm and he nodded. The two of them retreated, backing out of Starbucks stealthily, the two women watching them the whole time.

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