When You're the Rebound...

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No doubt about it, having sex with a Hollywood star was mind-bogglingly exciting. In the beginning.

That first time she had taken him upstairs, he found his thoughts continually returning to "Oh my god, I'm fucking Avril Taylor! Me!" As they made their way to her bedroom, he felt panic – talk about performance anxiety. How on earth was he going to manage to have sex with the world famous and very beautiful Avril? That kind of pressure was sure to make a man worry.

In the end, the concern wasn't necessary. Perhaps months of abstinence helped. Released from his boxers, his cock leapt joyfully up, aided by Avril's eager handling. Worried then that he would barely last beyond the first thrust into her, he thought it best to come clean.

As he moved on top of her, he whispered, "Avril, I'm no' going to last long."

She smiled up at him. "God, I don't care! Matt used to go on for ages. It was tedious."

The reminder of his predecessor slowed him down slightly – enough so that it wasn't embarrassing, but only just. Heart continuing to hammer in his chest, he withdrew from her slowly and slithered down her damp, sweaty body kissing the skin as he went.

Avril, as it turned out, loved oral sex.

Afterwards, they had showered together, laughing and joking about whether sex counted as exercise and how many calories a single session burned. Matt, as well as lasting too long, had also liked a lot of the more athletic positions. Avril reckoned that was only because he valued their higher calorie-burning potential. Thanks to regular yoga practice, she was very flexible, but acting out the more unusual positions of the Kama Sutra soon lost its appeal.

Jokes aside, Nate had no idea what their relationship was meant to be once they'd had sex that time. Was he still the hired help? Should he add an additional hour to each session he spent with her to allow for sex?

The first time he turned up at her house afterwards, she had pecked him on the cheek and greeted him warmly, but no differently from the last time. She made no reference to their encounter throughout the training session, so he kept quiet too. At the end of it, she cast an ostentatious look at the star-burst wall clock.

"I'm so sorry. I need to get on. I've got a meeting with the costume department later to get fitted."

The second session that week was rather different. Again, there was no hint that they'd had sex together as she worked out, Nate putting her through a series of punishing bum and tum exercises on the Swiss ball, but this time at the end, she smiled at him.

"I really enjoyed our night together Nate." She reached a hand out to touch his cheek. "Did you?"

Did he? God, the thought of it had provided masturbatory material for the last six days.

"Och, it was alright. I've had better."

For a tiny, outraged second, she looked as if she believed him. Then normality resorted itself to Avril Taylor's brain. An ordinary personal trainer from Glasgow had been in the lucky position of having sex with her. Of course, he really enjoyed it!

"Oh very funny! You remind me of my mum, you know." Seeing his bemused look, she hastened to explain.

"Nothing physical, you eejit! I just mean that my mum thinks her job is to keep me real. She doesn't like to think I've got above myself. Or forgotten my roots."

She looked down at the floor. Searching for those roots perhaps? When she looked up again, her mouth was open and the tip of her tongue touching her front teeth. Was she nervous, Nate wondered.

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