Chapter 7

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                    Samantha's POV

"I hate him."

"He is purposely pissing me off. "

"Selfish bastard!"

I yell and curse as i make my way towards my room.

I wasn't planning to meet James this soon. I was shocked when i saw him.

I thought i was going to pass out.

I didn't knew how to react, he on the hand was shocked too. When he moved closer to hug me i felt really bad for stopping him but i had to. I was so close on giving all up again.

I still remember his face when i told him i killed someone. He was so proud and smirked at me.

This pisses me off even more. How the fuck can this happen? I don't want to be here! I don't want to be near him!

I thought he had changed a bit! But no! Showed up in front of me and expected that everything was going to be fine and that i would forgive him.

I kicked my room door open and Maria jumped from the couch she was sitting. The music was way too loud for my liking at this moment and i walked towards the ipod unplugging it.
"Hey!" She shouted.
"Maria im not in the mood to listen music right now. If you don't like it then get the fuck out and go to your room." I yelled at her even though she wasn't the one who made me angry.
"Just stop this music!" I knocked some stuff down as i walked around trying to find a way to forget what happened downstairs.
"Are you okay? Sam?"
"He makes me so mad!"

I turned around to face her. Right, she doesn't know who James is.

"Uh.. Nothing."
"Its doesn't look like nothing to me." She said getting up.
"You won't understand it."
"No! I will understand it! Damn it! Im so tired of people who treat me like a retard! I've been treated like this my whole fucking life! People deciding for me, treating em like a trash. Im trying to help you out here Samantha! I've never done something like this before, i mean being there for someone you know? I did it for you! And i've been dealing with your mood swings since i met you! And now you act like you know my answer! I will fucking understand it." She shouted at me taking me by surprise because she never really gets angry.

Crazy to think how that a few hours ago we were dancing and singing and now arguing.

I have to tell her everything. I can't hide it.

"I've never told you who i really am Maria... Because i know the answer. And i know your reaction. Im used with it. No one will understand it. I tried to hide it from you and i was really sure that i wasn't coming here but things change and at first i didn't wanted you to come with me. I had to tell you whats going on and my past."
"Explain it to me then. Im so done with this mystery surrounding you. Just lets get over with it."
"Thats the thing. You can't get over and you can't turn back."
"Who are you Samantha?"  She asked.

I glared at her and made up my mind. Of she wanted to know who her friend from rehab really was then she was going to find it out right now.

I started to tell her everything starting from my childhood and teen years until i checked in here and continued to tell her about James and everyone else.

Maria's face showed pure shock and she was backing away from me.

"This is not funny." She managed to say.
"No one said it was."
"No for real, its not funny. Ghosts? Are you out of your mind?!"

I was determined to tell her the truth even when she didn't believed me. Thats what she asked.

Pulling my phone out i dialed Sally's number which i saved a few hours ago.

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