Bumps And Bruises

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Chapter #2

Bumps And Bruises

*Skyler's point of view*

The lunch bell rung, I grabed my stuff and went out the door as fast as I could, I was having a crapy day and I couldn't wait to see Josh.

I put my stuff in my locker and got my lunch out, on my way to meet up with Josh at his locker I seen a group of boys pushing a kid around calling him "Loser", "fag" and other cruel names, they hit his books out of his hand , pushed him to the ground and then kicked him. The kid did nothing, he just let them and no one helped him everyone just giggled or acted like nothing was happening. he was about to grab his books when one of the boys in the group (The captain of the basketball team) kicked him as hard as he could, he grunted, and then I ran as fast as I could.

     "STOP, STOP, LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!" I yelled.

I couldn't believe it, it was Josh.

They all then laughed at me, I had tears in my eyes, I felt so bad so bad for him.

I helped him up, I seen him holding back tears in pain, his lip was bleeding and he was kind of hunched over holding his stomach.

     "I told you to wait for me at the cafeteria." He said with hurt and anger in his voice.

     "I wanted to suprise you." I said kind of choking on my words.

     "You need to go." Josh tells me.

     "No, I'm not leaving you here like this." I yell.

      "GO!, I can handle this on my own!" He yells back holding his stomach.

     "Yeah go bitch." Anthony (the captain of the basketball team) says to me.

     "Dont fucking talk to her like that." josh shoots back at him.

     "Shut the hell up fag" Anthony tells Josh.

     "No! you can do what ever you want and say what ever you want to me but leave her alone." Josh says pissed.

     "No!, you cant talk to anyone and do that to anyone." I throw in.

     "Skyler, Please just go I dont want you getting hurt." Josh says trying to be calm but its not really working.

     "You dont want me getting hurt?!?" I yell. "Josh look at yourself your lips bleeding, your all bruised up and your holding your stomach getting kicked and curst at! so dont talk about me getting hurt!" I yell not relizing how loud I was.

     "IM FINE!" Josh screams at me "GO!"

     "Yeah, the emo fuck will just go cut and cry it off after." Anthony giggles.

A tear gose down Josh's cheek and he grabs his backpack and runs down the hall moving his hair so no one can see him cry.

     "You took it way to far you heartless peice of crap." I express in pain and hurt.

I run down the hall "JOSH!, JOSH!" I holler. I go down to the nurse's office and knock on the door.

     "yes, how may I help you." She asserts.

     "um. my stomach hurts" I say holding my stomach "can I go home?"

     "sure, are your mom and dad home?" She response.

     "yeah" I answer but lieing my dads really at work and my mom....well.....lets just say shes not with us anymore.

     "ok, whats there number I'll tell them to pick you up" she says to me.

     "um....can i just walk home its not far" I say.

      "ok, but i still need to know your name and number to call your mom and dad telling them your gonna come home."

     "ok, 519-9967022 and I'm skyler but its just my dad, my mom's um...dead." I stutter the last few words as I hear the words "Im sorry but she didn't make it" go threw my head the exact words the doctor told me the day of the crash.

     "oh, I'm so sorry" I see the shock in her eyes as the nurse says it.

     "its ok" The words come out in a bit of a whisper.

     "ok, your free to go" she replies.

I walk out of the room then run out the front door, I run 2 blocks away from the school to Josh's house I can tell he's home because the door is left a bit open. "how did he sneak out of school" I think to myself. I push the door open the rest of the way

     "Josh." I holler.

I can hear cry's from up stirs. I walk up the stirs and open his door.

      "JOSH NO!!!" I start to cry.

As he sits on his bed with a bloody wrist and a blade in his hand with tears going down his face and a blood puddle on his bed.

     "Im sorry I just cant do this anymore." He starts sobbing as blood drips off his wrist to his sheets.

       "JOSH WHY!" Im now on the ground sobbing.

     "IM NOT WORTH IT SKY!" He puts the blade to his wrist again and craves another scar to his blood dripping wrist.

     "NO PLEASE STOP!!!" I run to him pulling the blade from his hand.

     "You are worth so much babe and I love you" I stand up and say "I know how it feels"

I then pull my pants to my knees to show him the faded scars on my thighs. "I know what its like to go threw this" I choke up saying it

     "Im 2 Years clean now." I tell him and pull my pants back up.

I then take the blade role my sleeve up and drag the blade threw it once then cringe.

      "SKY WHAT THE FUCK" He screams running to me.

I then throw the blade and hug him, we cry in each others arms

     "Im so sorry sky." He cry's.

     "Im so sorry you feel this way." I tell him back.

     "Lets go clean up" He sniffles.

He walks me to the bathroom then kiss's me. He turns on the water and puts my wrist under then gets a bandage and covers the cut up. He then dose the same with his wrist I get the gauze out of the cabinet and wrap it around his wrist with it.

     "please never do that again." I my voice shakes as the words come out.

I then kiss his wrist and pull him into a hug and put my head on his shoulder.

     "I love you." He calmly whispers to me as he wraps his arms around me.

     "I love you too." I whisper back shaking a bit.

I lift my head and stare into his eyes, he bits his lip and search's my eye's, Then puts his hands on my waist and kisses me I then wrap my arms around the back of his neck. We just stand there and I just think to myself "what would I ever do without him?" He is just so perfect I love him.


Hey I just thought I would give you a heads up that in the next chapter the point of view will be changing to Josh's point of view. This will be happening a lot in this story every 2 or so chapters the point of view will go between josh and skyler just so you see there story and there side on everything. thanks for reading please comment what you think and vote.

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