Chapter 3

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"Have you ever liked someone before?" Hikaru asked as he parted Aiko's hair subconsciously into two braids. He enjoyed playing with her hair, and she didn't particularly mind it either.

"You." Hikaru chuckled at her response and she laughed half-heartedly.

"Yeah, but not like that. I mean actually harboring feelings for someone." What Aiko wanted to respond with was a cheeky 'you' but she opted on choosing something that would be less catastrophic then an unprepared confession at midnight.

"Then no, but I have cared for people dearly, like my parents." Hikaru continued playing with her hair, but he couldn't help feel solemn about the sudden mention of Aiko's dead parents. They passed away two years ago due to a plane crash, one Aiko would have been on if it wasn't for her sister who is terrified of heights.

"I see." Aiko, catching on to the sudden mood change, quickly brought up Haruhi in an attempt to meet half way with Hikaru's feelings about love.

"So... I heard you went on a date with Haruhi? That must have been fun."

"How did you know?" He questioned with sudden curiosity.

"Kaoru. Duh. He may be your twin brother, but he also tells me everything." Aiko giggled as Hikaru glared at Kaoru who was currently sleeping in her bed, somehow managing to take up all of the room.

"Anyway, it wasn't a date. I just offered to take her to the shops after school because Tamaki was unavailable." Aiko rolled her eyes at how Hikaru could be so ignorant at times, but decided to go along with how oblivious he could be.

"She must like you if she agreed to go with you. Common girl knowledge," sighed Aiko as she stared at the stars. Aiko shuddered at the temperature change, and Hikaru wrapped his arms around her from the back. They continued sitting like that, no one daring to break the peaceful aura that surrounded them. Although it had been Aiko's idea to go on the balcony and talk, she now regretted it due to how frigid it had become, but with Hikaru's arms wrapped tightly around her waist; all regrets soon emancipated.

"You're really warm," commented Hikaru. His mouth only being centimeters away from Aiko's neck sent her into a cascade of shivers.

"I'm glad you're warm, because I am freezing my ass off." Complained Aiko as she tried mercilessly to resonate any type of heat. Hikaru snuggled closer to her, laying his head on her shoulder. If this was the way to get Hikaru closer, she would use the cold as an excuse every time from now on.

"I got you a shirt today." Hikaru said as he yawned, finally falling ill from the lack of sleep.

"I know," answered Aiko. Once she realized what she had said, she quickly tried to cover it up with a cough.

"I mean I knew you would. You're always getting me things even when I don't need it. Thank you." Hikaru, once confused, now grinned at how modest Aiko could be. She always hated receiving gifts, even on special occasions.

"Too bad. I'm never stopping. You've done so much for Kaoru and I, it's the least I can do."

"I didn't do anything, after all, it was Haruhi who allowed you two to open up to people. Without her, you would have never even looked my way."

"Yeah, she really is great. You know how I was talking about if you've ever liked someone before?" Asked Hikaru as his eyes began to drift.


"I think I love Haruhi," and with that, he fell asleep snuggled to Aiko. What a contradicting saying, she thought. How could he be comfortably nuzzled with herself, yet be in love with Haruhi? It made no sense. Although he never intended to play with her emotions, he always ended up shattering her heart the closer they got. Suddenly, being snuggled with him didn't feel so good. She wanted nothing more then to crawl away and hide under her blankets, away from all of his confusing antics. It was cruel what he was doing to her, the worst part was he never knew that every time he spoke of Haruhi, it nearly killed Aiko.

"There's a weird pleasure in loving someone who doesn't love you ;

"Then again, that pleasure soon turns to torture."

Update at school, I'm getting shit done!!

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