Chapter 10

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"Love can't exist without fear. If the thought of losing someone doesn't scare the shit out of you, then it's not love"


Summer break is usually a teenagers dream, mostly just consisting of late nights with friends and secret romances of some sort, but Aiko had a different approach on the matter.

It was currently the middle of the day. With the sun shining at a comfortable array and a cool breeze drifting through the air, making the Cherry tree's dance, one would think Aiko would be outside;

But no.

She was currently still in her pajamas that consisted of an oversized T-shirt Hikaru had let her borrow (which she never intended on returning.) To top it off, her hair laid unbrushed since she woke up this morning; it lazily reached the bottom of her back in a sea of messy swirls.

Music blasted from her radio, at which Aiko danced to the beat while painting a sketch she had been working on. This was her idea of a perfect day, but what happened next was anything but perfect.

Little to her dismay, Hikaru had silently opened the door, originally planning on scaring her. Once he took sight of her (keep in mind she was wearing no pants, just a shirt that reached her thighs) his face turned fifty shades of red. What made it worse was that she was still dancing, causing Hikaru to hold his breath, trying his best not to laugh. Right at that moment, the door bolted open; revealing another auburn twin. He was just as shocked as Hikaru was, but both boys had red faces for completely different reasons.

"Kaoru! Hikaru!" Aiko turned around mortified that they
1) Saw her dancing
2) Saw her pajamas.

She tried effortlessly to comb down her hair, only making it worse.

"So this is what you do during summer break?" Asked Hikaru, trying his best not to laugh. In all honesty, Aiko looked adorable.

"Don't laugh at me!" Aiko pouted as she walked towards her bed, grabbing a pair of leggings. She quickly slipped into them, glaring at Hikaru's smirk that never faltered once.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" She questioned. Kaoru had finally got the nerve to speak, cheeks still tinted with a light pink.

"We wanted to know if you would like to come with the Host Club to Kyoya's private beach." Stuttered Kaoru, earning a bizarre look from his twin.

"No thank you." Quickly answered Aiko.

"Please?" Begged Hikaru. Aiko shook her head, walking back to her painting. Shuffling could be heard behind her, and soon enough, Hikaru had softly turned her around.

"I really want you to come with us," pleaded Hikaru. His gaze on her never leaving, causing Aiko's heart to melt. It should be illegal for a boy to look this mesmerizing, thought Aiko. Kaoru coughed awkwardly, noticing the tension between the two.

"Well if you insist, I guess I can go." Hikaru grinned, letting go of her shoulders.

"Be ready in two hours. We leave tonight."

"Tonight?!" Before she could say anything else, the twins had already left. Without knowing a certain time, she began to pack. Suddenly her phone jolted to life with the sound of a violin playing.

I assume the twins have already asked if you will come to the resort with them. We will be there to pick you up by 8. Pack for three days.

Thank goodness for Kyoya...


The next chapter will be much longer, this is just a build up. The quote is also foreshadowing something ;)

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