Chapter 11

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Love. It's a funny thing. Something so simple, yet it drives people to hell and back. I believe I somehow managed to confuse love with another four letter word-



"This trip is just what everyone needs. A break from school, a break from our family, and especially a break from our host duties-"

"Tamaki. Please try not to be so arrogant as to think this trip is just for fun. I have decided to invite some of our most loyal customers along for the visit. So you still will need to be on your best behavior," sternly warned Kyoya. Tamaki rolled his eyes and mumbled a few incoherent words under his breath, luckily undetected from the evil ruler himself.

"At least we can relax at the beach some. I love the ocean," Kaoru added optimistically.

"What about you Aiko? What's your favorite thing about the beach?" Questioned Hunny.

"Uh- well. I've never been before." Shyly stated Aiko. She was currently playing with a loose strand of hair that had fallen from her messy ponytail. Another bad habit of hers.

"You've never been to the beach?" Awed Hunny. Aiko only shook her head, taking a strong dislike to the sudden spotlight of attention that had now been placed on her.

"Then we will make your first experience quite joyful," Kyoya spoke up, not once detaching his eyes from his journal. By now everyone's eyes had been placed back on to her, with the exception of Hikaru. He was currently gawking at none other then an oblivious Haruhi. It was almost comedic that she had somehow managed to remain clueless on Hikaru's infatuation with her. Aiko merely rolled her eyes and glanced out the window, trying her best to block out Hikaru's annoyingly perfect face.

Somewhere between her pouting, she had managed to ignore someone poking her cheek.

"So squishy," commented Hunny as he poked her cheek again. Aiko's face reddened at the close proximity of the two, but she remained silent.

"Hunny, please control yourself," commented Mori. Aiko shot him a thankful look which was returned with a slight nod. Thankfully Hunny listened and sat back. Aiko couldn't help but glare as Hikaru rambled on with Haruhi about some inside joke the two shared.

"Commoner's coffee? What's so funny about that?" Spoke up Aiko, genuinely confused.

"You wouldn't get it," chuckled Hikaru.

"Oh," was all Aiko could say.

The ride there was pretty peaceful, with the exception of Tamaki ranting about god knows what while Kaoru kept antagonizing the poor boy.

"Alas, we are here," Kyoya spoke up as they drove by multiple palm trees that lead to a luxurious beach house.

"Wow..."Aiko muttered in awe as she looked at the house they would be staying in.

"Pretty awesome, right?" Nudged Hikaru as he put an arm around Aiko. Her face soon went into a cascade of blushes as she tried her best to ignore Hikaru, which is almost impossible due to his cologne, constantly enticing her to get closer. She looked around with a huge smile on her face, beyond thrilled to be here with her new found friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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