Chapter 7

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"And he talks about you in his sleep and there is nothing I can do to keep from crying when he calls your name, Jolene," D.P


     Kyoya was on time, which wasn't very surprising. He was dressed to perfection in a Desmond Merrion, one of the most expensive suits. Which, again, was not very surprising. Although Aiko would hate to admit that the shadow king himself looked exceedingly well, his dark demeanor and pale complexion looked especially grand in the designer ensemble.

     "Kyoya, you look amazing, but why so formal?" Aiko asked as Kyoya took a seat beside of her.

     "Although your modest look may work for others, I find it plain lazy and unladylike. Do not question my choice on dressing up upon making a first impression." Aiko rolled her eyes, ignoring Kyoya's countless insults. She hated anything to do with dressing up, and what she found stylish, others found grotesque. Then again, maybe Kyoya did have a point. She was currently sporting a ruffled lilac shirt with a pair of light blue skinny jeans. Nothing spectacular, nothing outstanding. Just an ordinary outfit for and ordinary girl, or so Aiko thought.

     "I'll keep that in mind next time I want to kiss someone's ass." Growled Aiko as she scooted farther from Kyoya. He didn't seem fazed, and only smirked at her comment.

     "I wonder what Hikaru would think of you in a sleeveless Valentino or even a Victoria Beckham signature. He would probably drool at the sight, instantly forgetting about his little toy, Haruhi." Just the mention of the brunette girl's name left a bitter taste in Aiko's mouth.

     "Point taken. Anyway, what do you even want?" Kyoya's smirk grew and he faced Aiko. Something about being under his gaze greatly disturbed Aiko. It was as if all of her dirty little secrets were being discovered and immediately judged. He knew how to read people like the back of his hand, and it scared Aiko to death. What if he realized just how broken she was? Or how desperate she was? It was honestly sickening what she would do to be with Hikaru.

     "You're worried; but about what?" Aiko looked startled, obviously unraveled by his sudden interrogation.

     "Like I said, if you listen to me Hikaru will be eating straight out of the palm of your hand. I have already implanted the idea into Tamaki's head, but of course he's too stupid to catch on." Aiko did in fact admire Kyoya. Maybe it was his desire to accomplish anything and everything, or his way of getting things done. He had a certain drive about him that only made Aiko want to work harder and be more like him. Something about him resembled Myra in many ways, and soon she would find out his reasoning behind wanting to help her.

     "Why are you doing this? You have nothing to gain from it, so why help me?" Kyoya chuckled as if she had asked the most outrageous question he had ever heard.

     "Oh but I do. You just don't know it yet.  Now, I have decided it is too early to reintroduce myself to your sister, so I shall return later." Just as Kyoya was about to leave, Aiko suddenly reached for him, pulling him towards her.

     "How are you so motivated? Getting out of bed is hell for me, yet you somehow find a way to accomplish anything you set your mind too." Kyoya was silent, trying his best to find an answer. In all honesty, he thought of himself as a failure and a fraud unworthy of having anything.

     "I once lost something that I cherished so much, and I will never let it happen again." He answered as he looked over his shoulder. Aiko looked at Kyoya's pained expression. He had finally allowed someone to see how he truly felt, and it might have only been for a split second, but Aiko learned so much about the mysterious ravenette. He was hurting, and whatever he once lost is constantly on his mind. The pain he showed was a pain that had been gathering for years, and Aiko would find out just what it was that he lost.

     "Take care." Aiko stated as she released her hold on his shoulder, allowing him to finally leave. The atmosphere returned back to how it originally was, dull and depressing. Not a single ray of light could be seen, and Aiko honestly preferred it this way. Her rays of light were stolen from her, and there was no way of getting them back.

     Aiko stood up and walked toward the mirror, finally gaining enough confidence to see what everyone else saw. What she expected to see was a sickeningly pale girl with unkept hair, but what she did see was something much worse. It was a younger version of herself. She carried a bright smile and hope for the future, something Aiko had lost a long time ago. Her eyes held the world inside of them, filled with so much love and joy. Soon the past vanished and she now was face to face with a stranger. The little girl's smile was gone, replaced with a slight frown followed by eyes that resembled a black abyss.

     What Aiko wanted to do was curl up under the covers and never wake up, but what she did was much more unexpected. She walked over to the heavy curtains and ripped them off. Light instantly lit up her room, allowing herself to see everything more clearly. Maybe this was what she needed. A change. Nobody wants to be unhappy, so why should she? Aiko decided that it starts here. Not having curtains may seem like a preposterous solution to get over the past, but to her; it was one step closer. Maybe one day her smile would return and her eyes will hold that joyous look in them, but for now her room would be slightly lighter.

Edited by: KKaiio

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