Chapter 4

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Sleep. Sleep is such a beautiful thing. A great man once said "Sleep solves everything," and Aiko truly believed it. After the death of her parents, Aiko suffered from insomnia. She was often awake during the night, constantly worrying about what tragedy could - or would - strike next. She eventually learned that cherishing even the smallest of things was a start to bettering her future, and if that meant sleeping more and worrying less, then Aiko was all for it. Of course, now was not the time to indulge in her new favorite activity, as more important matters demanded her attention.

Aiko currently laid under the covers snuggled next to her favorite stuffed animal that her sister had given her a few years ago. Nothing could ruin her nostalgia - besides someone rapidly knocking on her door. She hoped that by ignoring the problem, something she had long since mastered, said problem would eventually go away. Minutes passed yet still - more knocking.

Aiko, with her eyes still closed, tumbled out of bed and lugged herself towards the door that was producing such an annoying sound. Seriously, how was nobody hearing this?

"What now?" Cursed Aiko as she opened the door, not even bothering to see who had so rudely awakened her.

"Nice shirt." Once Aiko realized who was behind the door, she opened it all the way and welcomed her unplanned guest.

"What do you want, Hikaru? Do you even know how early it is?" Complained Aiko as she crawled back into the pile of blankets on her bed, desperately trying to cling on to any and all remaining heat.

"One in the afternoon," He stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Aiko's eyes widened once she realized how late she had actually slept in.

"You're so cute when you first wake up," Hikaru cooed, "But as much as I would like to make fun of your bed head, we have plans in exactly one hour. So get up." Aiko rolled her eyes and sunk deeper into her bed, never wanting to leave. Her bed was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape from all of her many anxieties. Shuffling could be heard, and before she could react; a body had collided with her own.

"Hikaru, if you don't get off of me by the time I count to three-" Hikaru continued to jump on Aiko, trying his best to wake the fatigued girl.

"Fine, I'll go with you. What exactly are we doing again?" Hikaru had been eagerly awaiting this day. It was the day Aiko would finally meet the Host Club, including Haruhi.

"We're going skating with a few of my friends," Hikaru excitedly boasted as he went through Aiko's closet to pick out something for her to wear. Aiko was currently looking in the mirror, studying what she looked like straight out of bed. She was wearing the shirt Hikaru had gotten for her that reached down to her knees, and her hair looked like a monstrosity. Strands poked out from every end and knots littered her head.

"Here. Try this on." Aiko studied the outfit Hikaru had chosen for her. It was a cute, long sleeve pastel purple dress that reached her hip and had holes where the shoulders would be. He then handed her a pair of black leggings to go along with it, including her signature beanie she brought everywhere with her.

"Either you're gay, or you learned a few tips from your mom." Hikaru choked on air at her statement and retaliated by lightly punching her arm.

"I assure you, I am not gay." Aiko rolled her eyes once more and grabbed the outfit, going into her bathroom to take a quick shower and change. Twenty minutes had gone by before Aiko returned with damp hair and a surprisingly fashionable ensemble.

"Hurry up and blow dry your hair. We have to leave in ten minutes." Ordered Hikaru as he laid on her bed, lazily going through spare magazines.

"You're so gay," giggled Aiko as she brushed out her hair. Hikaru returned the favor by chucking the magazine he was reading at her head, missing just enough that she felt it go by.

"It's not my fault that there's nothing fun to do in here." Complained Hikaru as he looked up at the ceiling, clearly bored.

"Why do girls take forever to get ready?" Hikaru continued to whine.

"If you say one more thing, I'm not going." With that being said, he closed his mouth and said nothing else. Aiko finished drying her hair and applied a small amount of mascara, including a light pink lipstick. She checked her final appearance, grateful that she didn't look so mopey the day she was meeting new people.

"You look hot, can we go now?" Aiko laughed at how impatient Hikaru could be. She grabbed a black purse that had her wallet in it before she left with Hikaru. Outside, the limo was waiting with a clearly pissed driver. He was probably waiting outside for a whole hour.

"Is Kaoru coming? It would be nice to see a familiar face." Asked Aiko as she took a seat beside Hikaru.

"Yeah, but he's already there. I told you we had to leave." Aiko nodded her head and looked out the window. Worries began to swarm her mind as she pondered the possibility of his friends not liking her. She was antisocial, and large gatherings didn't really fuse well with her aura. Hikaru caught on to the sudden mood change and grabbed her hand, instantly intertwining their fingers. She nervously drummed her fingers against his knuckles out of habit.

"Don't worry, they'll love you." Aiko smiled at how kind Hikaru could be, and continued gazing out the window as buildings passed by.

"After all, what's not to love?"

And just like that, Aiko no longer wanted to hide under her covers and wait until the next day. As long as she was near Hikaru, she would be okay.

Edited by: KKaiio

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