Chapter 6

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"To be human is to be broken and broken is its own kind of beautiful" r.m drake


It's midnight, and you still haven't texted to ask where I could have possibly disappeared too, thought Aiko. What if I was kidnapped? What if I was badly injured? These are reasonable questions that Aiko would have troubled herself with if Hikaru was gone longer then an hour, let alone six.


Kaoru texted to check in with her, but the topic of Hikaru was just something Aiko couldn't bring up. What if he was with someone? What if he was with Haruhi? Enough with the 'what ifs'. It was time to stop checking her phone for any new messages from a certain ginger, and begin focusing on something more beneficial.

Just as Aiko thought she had talked some sense into herself, she heard the miraculous sound of her phone chirping; alarming her of a new notification. Aiko flung herself towards her phone and glanced at the screen, expecting worried texts from Hikaru that where sent earlier but failed to deliver. Instead, an unknown number situated itself onto her screen with the simple words: Hello Aiko

Aiko quickly asked who this was, again hoping Hikaru was using someone else's phone.

Kyoya Ootori. I do hope she didn't give me the wrong number, or else this could be embarrassing.

Contact saved under KYOYA

No, it's me. What do you need so late at night?

KYOYA- The real question is why are you up so late?

KYOYA- Worrying over someone in particular?

No, why? Did something happen to him?


You know who...

KYOYA- You have nothing to worry about, he left the skating rink about two hours ago with Haruhi. I believe they mentioned going to a sushi bar.

Oh. Okay. What did you need?

KYOYA- I was just informing you that I will be there precisely around 1:00 sharp. Do not notify your sister of my arrival.

Can I ask why you want to see my sister so badly?

KYOYA- We have some unfinished business to take care of. Don't worry about it.


KYOYA- Has she seriously never mentioned me before?

No- I'm sorry. What is there to mention?

KYOYA- Nothing, just memories of the past. Remember, 1:00.

Aiko ran her hands through her hair, confused about everything. What could Kyoya possibly want with her sister?

By now, Aiko had given up hope of reviving a goodnight text from Hikaru. Although he never spared enough time to message her, or even notice her, she was still optimistic.

Please be thinking of me somewhere inside your tiny little brain. I know there's room for me, somewhere. And maybe if my plans work out, you will find room for me in your heart. Baby steps...

HIKARU- Goodnight 1:36

Sorry this was short, but I just needed to post something.

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