Chapter 5

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Music echoed from the building and cars were densely packed in the parking lot. Aiko couldn't help but find something unnerving about going to a public skating rink, something her sister would look down upon her for. Aiko remembered her sister constantly stating the difference between 'commoners' and herself, but Aiko never heeded her advice, often believing her sister was just arrogant.

"The others are already inside so don't freak out. Also, try not to be too quiet." Hikaru advised as he paid for both of their tickets.

"So basically try not to be myself?" Joked Aiko as she grabbed her ticket and entered the building with Hikaru by her side.

"Exactly." Aiko couldn't help but feel powerful with Hikaru by her side. It was no secret Hikaru was attractive, but the effect he had on the atmosphere was almost charming.

"There they are. You go grab our skates, I'll walk over to the others." Hikaru pointed to a booth with a display of skates hung on hooks as he walked towards a crowd of people, one being Haruhi. She looks cute, thought Aiko. Haruhi engulfed Hikaru into a hug, making Aiko nearly want to launch the pairs of shoes she was currently receiving from another teenager at their heads.

"Here you go, have fun." The teen said monotonously. She thanked the boy and walked over to where Hikaru was currently sat. He was surrounded by six people, one being Kaoru. Not to mention they were all incredibly handsome, including the blond. Without saying anything, Aiko laid Hikaru's shoes on the table beside of him and stood silently. Hikaru continued to chatter away about a new video game he was currently obsessed with, so Aiko opted on being silent to let him complete his story. If it wasn't for Kaoru giving her weird looks, she would have sworn she was invisible.

"This is Aiko," ushered Kaoru. The conversation died down and soon all eyes were on the shy girl. She stood there, mortified at what everyone could possibly be thinking. Last time she was gawked at was at her parents funeral, and all eyes stared down at her with pity written all over there expressions. The last thing Aiko wanted was to be pitied, and she felt that the same thing was currently happening.

"You're very quiet, I didn't even notice you approach us. For someone as beautiful as yourself, it's quite refreshing," complimented a tall blond. Aiko blushed as he grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips, lightly planting a small kiss onto her knuckles. Although this was soothing, she greatly preferred Hikaru's fingers laced within her own.

"That's enough," awkwardly laughed Hikaru as he pried the boy's lips from her hand.

"I'm sorry, Tamaki is usually better at introductions," apologized a ravenette with rounded glasses as he shot a pointed look to the other. "I'm Kyoya and the blond who has no boundaries is Tamaki."

"That's Mori," Kyoya stated while gesturing to a tall boy carefully looking after a smaller one.

"The other boy he's with is Honey." Aiko nodded her head as if to tell Kyoya to continue.

"And this is Haruhi." Aiko turned to get a good look at the girl she had heard so much about. It was almost like she already knew Haruhi from everything the twins had told her.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Politely said Haruhi as she laced her skates. Aiko remained silent, not sure what to say.

"Mori is really quiet, too, so you guys will probably get along," laughed Haruhi. Aiko looked up at Hikaru who was having trouble fastening his shoe laces. Aiko giggled at his many attempts and soon gave into his plea for help. Kyoya watched on in amusement at how the silent girl with an expressionless face completely shifted attitudes while helping Hikaru. It didn't take a genius to realize they were close, but just how close were they?

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