.Erza. Jellal.

1.9K 76 48

F.T crime department

Chief Makarovs Office

14th November 2037

1:00 pm

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Now Playing~ Control, Halsey

"I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home"

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"First up we're calling Erza B Scarlet Chief" The small spider shaped robot lying on Chief Makarov's desk said as the old detective went through a series of files concerning said girl.

"She's very interesting" Makarov mumbled to himself shuffling through his files on Erza B Scarlet.

"Chief, the first girl is her" Laki his personal assistant called out from outside his office.

"Let her in!" The chief yelled just loudly enough for Laki to hear him.

The glass doors to his office were slammed open and there in front of him stood a confident looking girl.

She had dark scarlet and big brown eyes. She was tall around 5.9 and she wore a crimson pantsuit with a whit shirt and a red tie.

She confidently marched into the chair in front of the old chief and sat down,

Before he invited her to sit he might add.

Makarov was overwhelmed by the young women sitting in front of him, to say the least a personality like hers was one he hadn't come across for a long time.

"Hello Miss B Scarlet-" He started but was cut off by the red haired teenager.

"Just Scarlet please" She said in a voice than sounded almost like command, "Erza Scarlet".

"Um, yeah sure" Makarov mumbled, "So um Miss Scarlet" He said stressing on the word 'Scarlet', "I'm here to ask you a simple question," the old chief said,

"I know you've wanted to be a part of our department for a long time but my question is" he said his voice suddenly turning more serious, "Why? My point is despite the system giving you many other options your more suitable for you still you choose this? Most people nowadays just do what the system tells them but you..." he questioned..

It was true this question had been eating him up from the inside ever since he first read the red heads files, it had been haunting him but he believed that her answer would be the reason he would admit her to the Crime Department.

"You see Commander -or um Chief I guess- it's simple really" She said catching Makarov by surprise, "I've wanted this ever since I was a child and I've always known this was what I was meant to do and have always wanted to do as well, You see my mother was the only parent I've of mine I've ever known" She said taking on a gentler tone," And She, she, well she disappeared on a case, and never returned back to me, from then on I've wanted to find her, so I conducted my own little investigation, and I found her,

she'd simply left me.."

"She's still around somewhere in this world but what was most amazing to me was the experience, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed working on my mothers case. I realised this was what I wanted" she said slamming her foot on the floor, "And I always make what I want happen no matter how hard!"

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