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Now Playing~ All Over, CRUISR

"I ask you girl, are you ready to fight?"

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The rain was still falling as hard as ever on the concrete ground and throughout the many people on the streets under umbrellas or raincoats, one person walked, walked without anything covering her head. Or body. Or feet. 

This girl seemed to stay inside the shadows, out of fear for others or of others, no one knew. Though regardless of this most "normal" people seemed to steer clear of her, for understandable reasons too.

Her large eyes were almost permanently blank, almost always dead. Not a whisper of emotion lay in them. She was skinny, and her hair was messily pulled back -though bangs still fell haphazardly on her face, her face had never been anywhere near makeup, at least not make-up she had done herself, or approved of.  She didn't walk gracefully either, she just kind of dragged her feet on the ground lazily. Her skin was ghost white, and extremely skinny, like she didn't bother to eat. Her lips were extremely chapped, hinting at the possibility that she would bite her lips until they bled, which she did. Her nose seemed to be the only normal thing on her, small and flat like a button, cute actually.

Due to all of this her appearance seemed somewhat "alien" to the rest of her fellow human beings. At least that's what they called themselves.

This girl felt the need to disagree.

How could something be human if it wasn't allowed to love whoever it wanted to? How could something be human if it wasn't allowed to choose what it wanted to do? How could something be human if it followed everything a computer said without question? How could something be human if it relied on a computer to make all it's choices? A "human" like that didn't seem human at all, more like a robot, or worse, a computer, just like what "it" was obeying; a computer.


These were the question that flew inside this young girls mind. These were the question that had made her original family, and pretty much everyone else around her, think she was going crazy, insane, completely mad. Yet every time they took her to a psychologist of psychiatrist they would always say she was perfectly sane, in fact they would say she was extraordinarily intelligent and capable of doing great this.

Mr. and Mrs. Lockser had never listened.

So at the age of 11 Juvia Lockser's parents sent her to live with another hispanic family; Mr Fernandes, Mrs Fernandes and their son Jellal Fernandes .

But this particular chapter isn't about how Juvia Locksers past played out, this chapter is about how Juvia Lockser met him...


Juvia walked down the dreary road, still managing to stay inside the cold, yet comforting, shadows until she reached a tall glassy building. She looked up at the hundreds of seemingly empty windows and took a step inside The Fairy Tail Crime Department.

She received a strange look from a few of her supposed coworkers but they dismissed her pretty quickly. She took out her 'compact X100' and switched through the many options. To the man watching her from over his newspaper it came as a shock that she didn't change her outfit. She simply used a 'blow drying filter' on her current -somewhat shabby- outfit. She pushed her now dry hair back and tied it up, as she did so strands of blue fell out onto her face forming bangs, she didn't bother to tie them back. 

Shoot and Run || Gruvia, Jerza and Gale, minor Nalu || Wattys 2017حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن