Chapter 8 - To the mother ship

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In medical as soon as Vangie carried Billy in Jusdean started snapping orders. When Satasha was carried in she directed her assistant to check on her since there weren't any visible wounds. Billy went onto the treatment table and she started working. As she was working several IV's were being started and the scanner was working. It wasn't going to be perfect due to the movement but she would be able to see the damage.

When the scanner finished, Billy had been stripped and one of the IV's was pumping in an oxygenated fluid to replace the blood he had lost. They needed to get some actual blood of his type but for the short term this would help stabilize him. She had sprayed on a coagulant which had slowed the bleeding down some but not completely. It was only temporary but Jusdean needed the time to review the scan results.

What she found was not good. Whatever had hit him had shattered his shoulder blade, several ribs and damaged his shoulder. The rib fragments had penetrated the lung and he had several lacerations and the lung was collapsing. Several of the shards of the ribs were close to his heart as well. She didn't have what was needed to do more than a temporary dressing and chances were good he wouldn't make it to a hospital. On top of that Jusdean had no idea what the Terran medical level was. If he was taken to the mother ship at the very least, they could fix his lung and ribs. They would be able to remove the shards threatening his heart as well. Beyond that they might need to go to Shola for further repairs on him.

"What is the status of Lieutenant Verzilon?" She called over her shoulder as she started doing some temporary patch work on Billy. Dr. Jusdean knew that she was not going to be able to stabilize him enough to transport him. It was all she was simply trying to keep him from coding on the table. If she could get even a few minutes to think she might be able to come up with something.

"Ma'am it looks like she is just in a telepathic coma. She has no physical injuries though she is showing signs of being injured in the same spot." As of now she had an IV and several meds on board to help with any pain as well as to keep her asleep, "What do you want us to do?"

Jusdean leaned back and frowned, "Get the two cryo chambers ready and start the cryo meds on Captain Madlax and Lieutenant Verzilon. We are going to need to tank them for the moment." She didn't like that idea since she honestly wasn't sure how Billy would handle it. They, obviously, hadn't ever had to do this to a human but there wasn't much of a choice though.

She should contact his daughters for their input but there just wasn't time. If they lost Billy they would lose Satasha. Considering this was the first cross species Leska link they needed to try their hardest to save the two. It only took about ten minutes for the meds to start taking affect and to get the two of them in the chambers. The whole process would take a bit over a half hour but once they were in it was automated.

Once they were in the capsules she took a moment to take a breath. She had been very close to losing both of them and that would have really upset her. She liked both and they had shown a great deal of courage to take out the bonding contract. That and showing their bravery in the face of both their species by letting their love show.

"Doctor the Ambassador is waiting for your report." The attendant was in the process of cleaning up the blood and other fluids as he spoke. Several others were doing the same.

"It's going to have to wait for a bit. I'm going to contact their family and let them know what is happening." She stripped off the gown and gloves as she was walking to her office and dumped them in the recycler. Before the call she was going to need a quick shower to rinse the blood off her fur off.

Jusdean stepped into the small shower that was in medical and took a quick one. Once she was dry enough she pulled on a spare tabard and settled down at her desk. She fixed a cup of c'shar before placing the call and to Billy's ship.

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