Chapter 14 - Kingie can we live with your family?

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As soon as Kingie and Crystal were released he had called for an air car to pick them up at the entrance to the medical facility. Even though this facility was technically on the telepathic guild's property they were separate and had their own gate. The primary reason for this was for non-telepathic patients who needed to be seen by a telepath medic. Their treatment and emotions wouldn't impact on the telepathic students who lived at the guild for training.

Sandi had brought them some clean clothes for them to wear which both were grateful for. The tabards they had come in with had been taken away to be sanitized and then returned to their rooms, "Let me work on your hair Crystal and then you can give mine a good brushing. When we get home I am going to take a good shower with a fur cleanser with some special additives to help return the oils to both my skin and fur. That and I will probably be shedding for the next few days thanks to the damn fever." Kingie still sounded somewhat hoarse and tired.

She snorted carefully to keep from coughing, "I have noticed considering all the fur you have been leaving in the bed. I would offer to brush you but I think after a shower would be good. Besides both of your sisters will be there which will save me some energy." Crystal settled in a chair and closed her eyes and smiled as he worked on her hair. She was also feeling used and tired. To do his hair was one thing but the rest of him would be impossible. It was a routine they had settled in and she had gotten so used to his ministrations, "That always feels so good." It was something she had come to really appreciate. It made her feel special and cared for.

Kingie smiled as he finished and then worked her hair into a short braid. While aboard the Barque it had been cut to deal with the damage to it. It had grown some but if she was going to grow it out it was going to take time, "It does, doesn't it? I know humans don't share grooming like this nearly as much but with our fur we need the help." He sat down once she moved and as she started working on his hair he was purring quietly. Even now purring hurt his throat if he did it too much or too loudly.

She finished up and just for good measure ran the short soft bristles over his ears, "All done and you look better. Not great since we have been sick but better." Crystal helped him gather up the few items that were theirs and left the room and they were shown to the gate.

When they walked out both were really surprised since his parents were there with their aircar, "Well son you didn't think we were going to let you catch a taxi home did you?" His father was grinning as Amahs opened the back door.

"Come on you two; get in so we can go home. I am sure both of you want some real food and a good shower and grooming to get the stinky medical smell out." When they climbed in she scooted over and once belted in she leaned against Crystal and captured one of her arms, "I was so worried when I found out you were sick. I am glad you are doing better." Just for good measure she lightly rubbed her cheek against Crystal's bare arm.

Crystal had to lower her head and turn it into Kingie's shoulder for a moment. Slowly breathing in his scent helped her relax. Eventually she was able to look at Amahs, "Thank you Amahs, that means more to me than you can imagine." Her voice was very soft when she said that.

Amahs didn't reply but kept rubbing her cheek against her arm in comfort, "When you get around to a shower let me know. I will wash your hair and help work some soap into your skin. Afterwards I can work a bit of oil into your skin to keep it from drying out. I am sure both of you need it after being sick for so long." She really wanted to know what had happened to Crystal so she could help her.

Crystal managed not to tense at the mention of a shower with her. Amahs had already seen the scars and hadn't said anything, "That sounds like a deal and we can both work on Kingie and de-stink him. I really don't like the smell of medical anymore." Even with the showers on the ship the scent of the medical section was burned into her mind. It wasn't much later before they arrived at the house.

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