Chapter 3 - Hello Captain Jeremiah...

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He turned around and rested his hand next to hers, "I will see you when we reach earth. The doctor has told me that she is going to be sending me constant updates on how all of you are doing. Love you hun and let them take care of you." He watched as the floaters were moved down the hall. When the young warrior came out carrying the young girl he nodded, "Take good care of her son. She is going to probably need more help than the others."

After the floaters moved down the hall as well as those going with Billy was still standing there leaning against the wall. He was doing his best not to allow the emotions affect him. Normal emotions and feelings he could block and wouldn't be affected. These emotions were too strong and they were affecting him badly. At the moment, he simply couldn't move because of what he was feeling. It was taking all his will power to remain in the spot that he was currently in.

As he was fighting to resist the urge to go and kill the pirates Vangie could see just how tense he was. Even after the massage you didn't have to be a telepath to see the tension he was under. As the doctor walked past Vangie waved her over, "Doc do you happen to have any psychic suppressants on you? Yilly is not able to block it right now." He glanced over at him and leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "He is trying to resist going and killing all the pirates. I think his shielding isn't strong enough yet."

She nodded at him and walked over since suppressants were included anytime a telepath might need them. She touched his shoulder, "Yilly I am going to give you something to help you. It is going to sting for a moment but it will help you block the sensations you are feeling." She waited for him to respond.

When he did, his voice was very guttural and filled with fury, "Do it. Don't know how much longer can hold on." His back and neck were a mass of tensed muscles and he hurt. At the moment, he didn't care if she knocked him out as long as it would resolve the issue long enough to get off the ship.

She pressed the hypoderm against his neck and fired it. As she said it burned for a few moments and then a feeling of coolness flowed through his body. As it was flowing through his body he felt the rage almost shut off. When it did he collapsed against the wall which Vangie was expecting it and easily caught him. Billy pressed his head against the wall and let the drug finish working, "Thanks doc." Now he just sounded exhausted.

Vangie looked at Dr. Jusdean and smiled slightly, "Just in case can I get some more of that drug? Leave the instructions and maybe half a dozen ampoules please." When she handed the hypoderm and meds over he pocketed them and picked Billy up, "We are going to the docking area and as soon as your ship is attached we will get over there. You might sleep for a while but that is normal.

Eventually the Barque disconnected from the pirate's ship and moved away so Billy's ship could dock, "Vangie once this pig sty is cleaned up and repainted it is going to be named after the warrior who died. When we get to earth, we are going to give him full rights by your traditions." He didn't know if that could be done or if it had to be done on Shola.

Billy shook his head, "I need to go to the bridge first to set up some instructions for when I put the ship in tow." God, he felt like a limp rag now that the shot had kicked in. He was going to need to crash for at least a short time after everything was taken care of.

Vangie contemplated for a moment and then nodded, "Yes Captain. As you wish." After letting him stand Vangie wrapped one of Billy's arms around his neck and an arm around his waist to keep him upright, "Let's go and get this taken care of."

They headed to the bridge and Billy flopped in the command chair and unlocked the command consoles and went to work. Now that the suppressant was in him and he was away from everyone he was feeling better. He wasn't sure how long it would last. The remaining warriors who had helped take over the ship were going to remain on this ship. Only a small token crew was going to be on his ship. He should be able to handle the feelings and emotions from them.

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