Chapter 16 - You're what Satasha?

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The morning of his next surgery was after their link day and he was lying in bed looking at the ceiling. Satasha was curled up on one side and Z'Marl on the other. She had snuck in at some point during the night and curled up with them and fell asleep. He had to smile some since if she had been much earlier she would have been drawn in by the sexual draw of the link. Billy had a feeling that wasn't something she would normally do and would have been appalled. Maybe down the road they might do something like that but now? It wasn't who Z'Marl was.

He took a moment or two to contemplate the last two weeks. They had been back to Vangie's house once as well as to Kingie's parent's house. That was a very enjoyable visit since Crystal was obviously flourishing under their care and love. She had been more outgoing, giggly, and comfortable with casual touch. That wasn't saying it was all bunnies and pink unicorns for her. If you moved to fast near her she tended to flinch. With touch, she still had to see you first. If you came up behind her and touched her she would jump and twitch. Overall she was doing better and she and Amahs were obviously getting along well.

He had to start smiling as he continued to remember the visit. Kingie's little brother was a darling handful and had seen all the new people as being there just for him. He lap swapped, cuddled, played, and had a great time. Billy had caught Satasha with a wistful look on her face as she watched the little boy playing. It was obvious that she wanted children eventually. That was frustrating since he wouldn't mind at all. As far as the genetic drift they were still evaluating it and how wide spread the effect was going to be.

What rather pissed him off was the same or similar was happening to the rest who had gotten sick as well. The Sholan's were also in the process of still dissecting the new strain of the virus. They were mostly done with that but were researching the structural make up of the DNA of the virus. There were some hints of human DNA being part of the makeup. That they couldn't explain at all. Even Vartra's Priesthood was looking into their records as well.

He forced that out of his mind or it would make him most definitely grumpy. Instead he changed memories to dealing with those three idiots. Now that had been fun and enjoyable. His mind traveled back to the morning after they had run into him.


That morning when he woke his shoulder was still bothering him more than it had been. Billy hadn't been too concerned since he figured it was mostly due to inflammation of the tissues. He wasn't going to chance it though and the first stop was at the hospital to get seen. It had taken the doctor some time to get to him since he had been working on another patient. When he did he settled down and asked Billy what was going on.

Billy had explained what had happened the afternoon before and before he knew it he was in a scanner again. The doctor reviewed the results for several minutes before telling a nurse to remove the dressings, "It doesn't look like much other than inflammation due to the impact but we are going to change your dressing and verify that."

By the time Billy had a new dressing and had been released it was almost lunch time and he was angry, sore, and tired. Since he knew better than dealing with this now, he went back to the suite to relax. As he was thinking he came up with the perfect punishment. He was going to humiliate them to death for what they had done. He sent a brief message to the three male's main councilor requesting a good time to talk to the three. Billy had made sure to tell him he wanted to talk to them in class.

The councilor wasn't sure of that but Billy pulled rank on him. Between that and a casual mention of going to the guild master if he needed to gained him a time to talk to the class the following morning. When Satasha had come back from dealing with some paperwork at the local space navy branch he was smirking. He knew that she had felt what he was doing and her thoughts were even worse than his.

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