Chapter 10 - Arrival on Shola

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It had been close to two weeks since Billy had been shot. Marcella really wanted off the Barque before the interrogations of the pirates were done. There was a very high possibility that she would be exposed as an inside agent and that would be bad for her. It had taken some time but she had finally managed to get a call made.

She wasn't sure why it had taken so long to get a call through but Marcella had to figure it was related to the entire mess. They had finally been informed Billy had been shot. Once it was connected Marcella looked relieved, "Ricky it is so good to see you. I want to come home but we are being kept here for further observation." A tear artfully trickled down her cheek, "The Sholan's and Swiss have treated us well but being here keeps bringing back memories. I need to get away from here."

Rick gave her a pleased smile, "I know since I have been trying to get a hold of you since it was announced who was on board the pirate ship. They kept telling me that you were undergoing treatment and therapy." When the tear trickled down his hand came up and touched the screen, "I understand and will see what I can do to get you released for a visit at least. We have some fine therapists here as well who can help you. Can you wait a little while longer?"

When he reached out and touched the monitor she gave him a watery smile, "As I said they have been treating us well so I can survive a while longer but the sooner I am home the happier I will be." And alive which was a nice idea. She would be off the planet fairly quickly as well so if her name did come up they wouldn't be able to get to her, "Love you Ricky and I hope to see you sooner than later." The call was disconnected and she mournfully sighed before standing and slowly left the communications room.

The other women had been allowed to finally make calls as well. Currently visitors weren't being allowed thanks to what had happened to Billy and Vangie. Eventually visits would be allowed but as of now the Sholan's and the human females were being very carefully protected.


As soon as they were disconnected Ricky sent a message to an anonymous account. He indicated that he needed instructions on the handling of a sensitive package. He also indicated that it was very time sensitive so the sooner he received instructions the better. Once the message was sent Ricky leaned back and knew that he would probably have instructions later that day. If Marcella was turned damage could be done to the organization and how they operated. There was a very good chance she would be ordered eliminated. He didn't like that idea but he did understand the need.


Sixth received the message from Ricky shortly after he had sent it. There was a small delay since it had been routed through so many portals and network connections it wasn't funny. He reviewed it and sent a message to First for instructions. They might end up having an actual conversation but chances were good it would simply be a message. Face to face conversations were kept to a minimum even if they were in the virtual world.

Once he was done he walked out of the secure room he headed towards the General's office and to the officer in charge of the Russian forces, "I need a quick meeting with General Ustinov." He stared at the General's secretary until the woman made the call.

"General your attaché needs to talk to you briefly. Lt. General Pricops indicated that it is urgent." She listened for a moment, "Please go in sir. The General has a few minutes before his next meeting." After pressing the button to unlock the door she went back to what she had been doing.

Pricops walked into the room and after ensuring the door was secured he settled down in a chair, "I received a message that our insider is requesting recovery. Do you have any instructions sir?" Pricops was the contact but the General was in charge of the sixth directorate.

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