Trust a Hydran to attack.

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A movement caught the eye of Alfarin and Autumn, the water had started to stir. They both had thought this strange as they had not had a lot of activity lately, this could be used as an advantage, time ot see what Alfarin can do in battle. As soon as he had seen it, Alfarin had leaped onto her back and they both dove to the source of the disturbance.

.Autumn hovered there for what seem like hours, only to see a slender grey head pop out of the ocean, then another, then another until they had seen a total of five heads poking out of the water. Autumn glanced up at Alfarin and they exchanged looks of confusion.

Autumn looked back in time to see a hydran burst out of the water.

'Lightning fly up now!' Alfarin yelled into her ear and she obliged to do so. They flew up vertically and heard a roar so deafening that it matched Autumn's scream. (When a hybrid like Autumn is hurt they let out a scream that will deafen anything within a one mile radius)

Once again Autumn had looked back to see a dragon the size of three double decker buses speed towards them at impossible speeds with all five heads snapping towards them. Autumn flew to her absolute limit as the middle of the five heads teeth missed their tail by a millimeter. They flew to the clouds, trying to gain leverage over the beast and for an easy escape. But as the thought of disappearing came to her head, Autumn realized that if she was to vanish the next targets would be the village and she could not let that happen.

At the last second, Autumn doved back down towards the ground ignoring Alfarin's screams in order to give them a big enough gap in order for them to proceed with Autumn's plan. She glided over the ground and quickly flung Alfarin off of her, she angled him so that he would land in Hiccup's house and would be safe, with a quick glance to see if he was okay she shot away.

He had in fact made it so ignoring he cries for her to go back, she flew to the cliffs that she was originally situated on and looked at the hydran and sure enough the beast had completely forgot about the village and went straight after her. when she arrived at the top of the cliff she sat and waited for it to catch up to her. When it did fly up to the clear sky, Autumn inwardly grinned now she had the upper hand as it was staring to get dark.

But luck had run out for Autumn, a claw had sliced a gape in one of her wings. She screamed and as she was unable to fly, she started to fall. It dove after her to finish her up, as it was preparing to shoot fire at her, she remembered Hiccup's story of the giant dragon and the rule of how dragons are not fire proof on the inside. So mimicking Hiccup's movement she flipped onto her back and as the gas had built up in the other dragon she shot and it started to incinerate right before her eyes.

Glad that that problem was over, Autumn sighed.  But it did not last long; pretty soon she realized that she had another problem, she was falling towards the ground at 200mph. Autumn let out an 'umph' as she impacted the earth. She was pretty sure that she had broken all of her ribs and her tail with internal bleeding to add on top. Thankfully, Dragons have accelerated healing so she will be fully healed within about one hour.

After ten minutes of usual pain as her bones cracked and reformed themselves, Autumn heard dragons wings beating and some people shouting out orders to others.Wow they actually do care. She thought. The first one to arrive was Alfarin followed by Hiccup, behind them was everyone else form the academy. Everyone started to congratulate Autumn but Alfarin interrupted them after a while.

'Umm, guys. I think she is really hurt.' That was the last thing Autumn heard before she passed out.

Autumn woke up on Hiccup's bed and looked at her feet to ensure that she was still dragon. They was, she then sighed with relief. As she pretended to carry on sleeping she sneakingly listened to Hiccup's and Alfarin's conversation.

'You sure it was a new breed?' Hiccup questioned. 'How many heads did it have again?'

'It had five heads and the dragon was the size of three village halls, I'm not kidding.' Came Alfarin's reply.

Autumn stood up and walked over to the wall next to them so they could see that she was awake.

'You sure it had five heads, did you just bump your head when you got thrown off lightning.' Hiccup mocked Alfarin.

'I'm sure and i did not bump my head.'

This went on for half an hour when Autumn had had enough.

'It did have five heads you fucking retards.' She shouted in fury. Hiccup and Alfarin just stared at her with their mouths wide open and jaws hitting against the bedroom floor.

' A...A....A...Autumn?' They stuttered in unison. Confused, Autumn looked down and sure enough she was supporting hands and feet attached to a humans torso.

'Ah shit.'


Thank you @hydran and @zebrazoe24x your ideas where very helpful so i combined them the hyran was the wild attacking dragon and they find out shes a hybrid thank you again guys and merry christmas for tomorrow.

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