Chapter Three

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A/N : Only a short chapter.

Tulisa spent the next 6 days locked in her room away from everyone. Eventually she emerged at 8am on Christmas morning with a pile of neatly wrapped gifts in her arms. Putting her legal worries behind her she's been busy preparing for Christmas. She smiles as she sees Aaron fast asleep on the sofa. "Babe, wake up its Christmas!" She says gently shaking him. He opens his eyes and smiles up at her. "Merry Christmas gorgeous." He says and she holds up the presents. "For you." She says. He smiles and sits up. "Yours are under the tree." He replies. "Can we open them just now?" She asks and he nods his head. They settle down and begin to open their presents.

Later on in the afternoon they're down to their final presents. Handing Tulisa a small square present wrapped in red wrapping paper with a silver bow. She smiles and passes him a rectangle box. Aaron watches as Tulisa opens hers to reveal a small velvet box. She looks up at him and raises her eyebrows before opening it to reveal a beautiful silver double interlocked heart ring with each of their birth stones inside the hearts. "Aaron?" Tulisa says looking up at him and he laughs. "Don't panic babe, I ain't proposing. Not yet anyway. This is a promise ring. I want it to be a guarantee that no matter what happens I will be here and one day that will be an engagement ring and a wedding ring." He replies and she smiles with tears in her eyes. "It's beautiful babe." She says as he slides it on her finger. "I'm so glad you like it." He replies. "Go on open yours." She says grinning. He opens it to reveal a black box. Opening the box he gasps as he sees the positive pregnancy test clipped in place. "What's this?" He asks and she grins. "Your gonna be a daddy Aaron." She replies. "When did you find out?" He asks staring at her in disbelief. "The other day... When we got back from court I done a couple of tests. I've not had it confirmed but I did take 8 tests." Tulisa replies. "I-I don't know what to say." He says and she grins. "Are you happy?" She asks. "I'm over the moon T!" He replies. "I love you Aaron." She says moving closer to him. "I love you too baby." He replies.

Hours later Tulisa and Aaron are lying on the sofa. "You had a good day?" Aaron asks. "The best." She replies smiling as he places his hands on her stomach. "I'm glad." He says and she smiles. "Let's head up to bed ey?" He suggests and she nods her head. "Yeah let's go." She replies. They get off the sofa and head up to bed.

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