Chapter Nine.

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"So I was thinking why don't we go to Westfields for a bit?" Aaron suggest as I cradle Gabe in my arms.

"Mmm... I'm not sure. What about the paps?" I ask and he sighs.

"We can't spend their whole lives inside incase paps see us T... I understand why you're a little worried but there isn't any need to be. I'll keep the three of you safe, I promise." He replies and I nod my head.

"O-Okay then. But let's not be out for long." I say and he nods his head.

"Okay. An hour or so." He replies and I smile.

Gabe and Bella are three weeks old and to be honest, I'm a bit nervous about taking them out and about because of the paparazzi. It's pretty intimidating to be honest.


"You okay?" Aaron asks as we walk into a busy Westfields. I nod my head and keep a tight grip on the pram as we walk towards Mothercare. Walking into Mothercare I instantly feel myself relax. There isn't a lot of people in here and the paps can't get a good picture through the door.

"Hi, are you needing any help today?" A shop assistant asks as I pull the blankets off the babies' carseats.

"Umm... No thank you." Aaron replies. The shop assistant smiles and walks away.

"We need bibs... Every bib we have is too big for them." I say and Aaron nods his head.

"Okay, bibs it is." He replies. As we begin to walk over to the bibs Gabe begins to fuss.

Aaron's POV.

Watching Tulisa gently lift Gabe out his carseat I sigh as she looks around to make sure there isn't any paps about. Ever since the whole drug ordeal Tulisa has been a nervous wreck around anyone with cameras, she feels like they're all out to get her especially since she got pregnant and had the twins.

"Babe, you okay?" I ask and she nods his head.

"Y-Yeah... I just, I don't know. It's a bit much." She replies and I place my hand on her lower back.

"Let's grab the bibs then we'll head home." I say and she sighs.

"Did you not want to have a look around?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I want you to be comfortable... We'll do this little by little." I reply and she nods her head.

"Okay... Thank you." She says and I gently kiss the top of her head.


Walking into the nursery I smile as I see Tulisa sitting on the glider cradling Bella in her arms.

"You okay baby?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Yeah... I'm sorry I ruined our day at Westfields." She replies and I shake my head.

"Not at all. You've got nothing to be sorry about." I say as I bend down next to the glider.

"I just don't trust them..." She admits. She looks down at Bella before turning to face me.

"I want to be able to take them out walks and I want us to go out as a family. But the thought of them surrounding us and trying to get pictures... It just freaks me out." She says and I nod my head.

"I understand... I do. So we take it slowly... Baby steps?" I suggest and she nods her head.

"That sounds great. I love you." She says smiling.

"I love you too." I reply leaning over and kissing the top of her head.

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