Chapter Eight.

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Note : There will be quite a lot of time jumps in this chapter.

"Am I too late? Did I miss it?" Aaron asks rushing into the room. I grit my teeth as I clutch the metal bars and either side of my bed.

"No... Come here. She needs you Az. She won't let your mum in or her mum in." Chelsee says. Aaron makes his way over to bed and Chelsee walks towards the door.

"N-No!" I shout as my contraction comes to an end. Chelsee turns to look at me and I shake my head.

"P-Please don't leave. I want you both here." I say.

"Okay. I won't go." Chelsee replies. Making her way back over to my bed.

24 hours later.

"I-I can't do this anymore." I pant as I grip Aaron's hand tightly.

"This is it Tulisa... You're 10 cm's dilated. This is it. On the next contraction I want you to push for me okay?" Lacey asks and in of my head. On my next contraction I do as she asks and push.

"Okay... Baby A is right here, I can see the head!" Lacey says as she smiles up at me.

"C-Can I see?" Aaron asks and I nod my head. Throughout the pregnancy he's told me he'd like to see and I've always told him no way so I don't know why I've changed my mind. He gently kisses my forehead before moving down to where Lacey is.

"Oh wow! Look at that hair!" He says as a look of pure amazement takes over his face.

"Okay Tulisa. I want you to give me some small pushes until we get the head out." Lacey says and I nod my head.

Ten minutes and three pushes later, Lacey places this little body onto my chest.

"It's a boy!" She says and I smile while resting my hands on his back.

"Would you like to cut the cord daddy then we can get him cleaned and weighed while his sister or brother is born?" Lacey asks and Aaron nods his head. They clamp the cord then Aaron cuts it.

"Okay... We're going to check baby boy over and clean him up a bit. Someone can come with us if you want?" Lacey says as she is passed a blanket from another nurse.

"Chels, can you go with him?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Of course I will babe." She replies smiling. Lacey takes the baby off my chest and passed him to another midwife before they leave the room.

Six minutes and four pushes later, a tiny cry fills the room as Lacey places another little body on my chest.

"It's a girl!" She says smiling as she repeats the cord procedure and Aaron cuts the cord.

One hour later.

I've delivered the placentas and everything is fine. Both babies have been checked over and they're perfectly healthy. I’m sitting in the bed with our little boy in my arms while Aaron holds our baby girl.

“C-Can we come in?” Aaron’s mum, Andrea, asks peeking her head round the door. Aaron looks at me and I nod my head.

“Yeah… Come on in mum.” Aaron replies. We asked for some time alone after the babies were born but I’m happy for our mums to come in now. Andrea walks in followed by my mum.

“Congratulations sweetheart.” My mum says making her way over to me.

“Thank you.” I reply smiling. My mum gazes down at the baby in my arms while Andrea gently hugs Aaron and looks at the baby in his arms. I let my mum hold her grandson while Andrea holds her granddaughter.

“Do they have names yet?” My mum asks and I smile.

“You are holding baby Gabriel Byron Evers.” I reply pointing towards my mum.

“And you’re holding baby Isabella Chelsee Evers.” Aaron says pointing towards Andrea.

“Oh those are lovely names.” Andrea says and my mum nods her head in agreement.

“We’re going to call them Gabe and Bella for short.” I reply smiling as Aaron sits on the bed beside me. I turn my head to rest it against his chest while he gently wraps his arm around my waist.

“Are you okay?” He asks and I nod my head.

“I’m just pretty tired…” I admit and he gently kisses the top of my head.

Aaron’s POV.

Our mums stayed for around thirty-five minutes before leaving to let Tulisa get some rest. She’s currently fast asleep while I cradle Gabe in my arms. Bella is snuggly wrapped in a pale pink blanket, fast asleep in the plastic crib.

“Hey little guy…” I whisper gazing down at my son. It’s crazy to think that I am a dad. I have a son and a daughter. These two little people depend on me and Tulisa. It’s crazy!

“You never have to worry about being alone buddy. Want to know why? Because you have a family. A real family who loves you more than any little boy has ever been loved I bet. You’ve got Nana Andrea, she’s brilliant and she’ll spoil you rotten! You’ve got Nana Anne, from the moment mummy told her she was pregnant we just knew she was gonna shower you with love. You’ve got all your aunties and uncles. Then there’s your mummy… She’s never loved anything or anyone as much as she loves you and Bella… She’s a pretty special lady, Gabe. And I know that if you and your sister have even half of her strength then you’ll be okay in life.” I say smiling at the tiny infant in my arms.

Gently placing my son in the plastic crib beside his sister I smile as I look down at them. I feel so blessed that they are both healthy, yeah they’re tiny… Gabe weighs 5lb 9oz and Bella weighs 5lb 5oz, but they’re healthy and they don’t need to be in the NICU which was a big worry for both me and Tulisa.

I’ve got my family… My beautiful little family, what more do I need?

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