Trust Issues

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(Listen as you read 😌💜)

If I could go back to the day we meet
I would probably do it all over again
And I would choose not to be your friend
If you asked me id say I got a man
It wouldn't be no dates
Wouldn't be staying late at my house.........
Then you gonna turn around and front like you don't feel me I put that on my life I never saw this coming opened up my heart I should've never let you come in but I wish you well though that's all I can tell you ^Sydney Renae

I was singing them lyrics loud ash tooo

Niya busted in the room girl shuttt upppppp all dat depressed ahhh singing gotta stop
Just get over Lorenz ugly Hoe ahhh u could do wayyy better Brit and u know that

I know Niya Ian depressed girl I'm jus jamin to some tunes ain't no meaning behind it
Even though I told her this I knew it was a lie it had been 3 weeks and I was still upset about wahh Lorenz I was starting to get concerned about my own self cuz I didn't know why I felt this way

Girl you really need to talk to someone you keep bottling all this stuff up one day you gonna explode you needa bent to some one
Shut up Niya wahh do u know ur little self I laughed

My phone vibrated

Chris😌💯- Goodmorning Love😍 Ima swing by and pick you up this morning  round 8:30
so be ready to miss first period 💖

Brit😋💖- That's fine I gotta study hall today anyway for first period

Chaaa who dat you blushing all over
I laughed Ian even blushing girl
Nahhhhh you better spill the tea Brit
Okkkaeeee it's Chris

Chaaaaaaass I know you ain't talkin bout fine ahhhhh Chris with the tattoos
Yassss bihhhh that Chris I laughed and he ain't even all of that
Girl by uk he fine Brit how long has then been goin on I wanna know err thing how y'all met err thing

Well basi I met him about 3 weeks ago after the Lorenz blow out I was vibing to my music and I practically knocked him down in the hall way
And he was all corny and junk tryin to run some game talkin bout I can bump him anytime
That's the real thing that made me kinda like he cuz he made me laugh and I really needed that
But the funny thing was I actually bumped into him again after class and then we sat at lunch togther and talked and he drove me home the day u had tutoring
We exchanged numbers and we pretty much have been talkin since then
He text me every day and we FaceTime sometimes

Awwwwww that's so cute and funny
So basii he yo man chaaa u did good this time

Noooo Niya ion really need no man right now I  was done with relationships Ian wanna trust anymore I was jus looking for new friends and that's it

Girl u can't be by urself forever just because of one fuck boy you gonna have to stop letting this get to you
He ain't appreciate you wen he had you I bet now he stuck alll up in ur face wanting you especially now that Chris about to be around now ain't he

Ian even gonna lie he is
he keeps calling my phone from his freinds numbers cuz he know I blocked his he keeps passing notes and trying to walk with me
It's  more work trying to avoid him then it was being with him I laughed

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