The Wait 🕰️

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British Mom Inside Hospital ^

Excuse me sir is there any news yet? Im waiting to hear about my daughter British!

No ma'am please return to the waiting area


ma'am  the doctor will be out shortly with any updates please sit!

Suddenly I felt the warmth of momma P hand guiding me back to the chair. Lord my child I wailed who would ever wanna hurt her. I leaned over and sobbed  in her lap as she rubbed my head like I was a baby. Suddenly there was a loud crash. A familiar young man ran towards the front desk knocking over the hospital equipment next to him. I'm here to see British is she okay he claimed loudly. I peered over trying to make out who it was in the midst of tears!

Son are you family? Asked the receptionist

I immediately felt my body fill with rage as my eyes finally became fixated  on who the boy was...... Lorenz.

I bolted from the chair and jumped on top of Lorenz plummeting him with every blow I could throw with every last drop of strength I had in my body.


What are you talking about he screamed as he attempted to shield his body. The officer that had pulled Chris out for questioning ran in with Chris and Brittany following shortly behind as they tried aimlessly to pull my powerful body off the now feeble boy. All I saw was red nothing else, all I felt was pain and nothing else! I finally leaned over his body and sobbed I had nothing left to give.

Why I cried why would you do this to her?

As they separated us I heard him cry. I WOULD NEVER HURT BRITISH BUT I WILL FIND THE ONE WHO DID he screamed as he got up and attempted to charge towards Brittany and Chris .

IT WAS PROBABLY YOU, YOU LOW LIFE DRUG DEALING SON OF A BITCH! BRITTANY YOUR ASS NOT INNOCENT EITHER YOU BEEN PLOTTING SINCE ME AND BRITISH GOT TOGETHER he screamed as he continued to try and lunge toward them. The officer began to slowly pull him away and out of the hospital.

I was puzzled as my  mind couldn't process the statements Lorenz was yelling fast enough but I know drug dealer stood out the most. Drug dealer ? I spun around fiercely! Your a drug dealer I asked walking towards Chris immediately combative.

Hold on now mama P said as she stepped forward! Don't come towards my son that way okay. we need to be focused on British  right now that's who is important!

so you knew this whole time your son was a drug dealer and you had the audacity to come over here and console me like you had no clue his lifestyle could've played a  factor in why MY CHILD is laying on a stretcher right now.

NOW HOLD ON NOW Chris said loudly pushing his mother behind him. I understand your upset but don't be disrespecting my mama. I respect you because of British. my love for her is too great to disrespect you but I'm not gonna stand here and allow you to disrespect my mama over my choices!

You looky here lil boy you stay tf away from my child do you understand me? She  doesn't need......
Before I could finish my statement I heard "Family of British"

Yes that's me doctor how is she I asked desperately.

Well the surgery was successful we were able to decrease the swelling around her brain and fix the slight damage she had to her leg.

THANK GOODDDDD! I wailed lord I thank you I praise you god I magnify your holy name. I screamed. THANK YOU! Can I see her pleaseeeee

Ma'am you can see her but I want you to know British is in a temporary coma

A  WHAT I stopped mid praise!

Yes ma'am she's in a  TEMPORARY coma right now because of the complexity of the surgery that we had to complete. There was alot of pressure surrounding her brain that took a very intricate surgery to release however she fell into a comma mid procedure we haven't been able to wake her up. Now it's just up to British to wake up when she's ready!

Okay okay  I thought I need to see her NOW I HAVE TO PRAY OVER MY BABY.

Look You're an earthly doctor but my god moves mountains and as long as she's covered by the blood of Jesus I know she'll pull through! Let me see her NOW

Okay you and your family can follow me down here and I'll take you to her room


These people right here aren't me nor British family. In fact I want ALLLL of them put on the no visitors list. Either one of them could've been the cause of my baby accident so I don't want EITHER ONE of them being able to even BREATH AROUND MY CHILD! I spoke adamantly as I glared at each and everyone of them.

WHATTTT no don't do this please I'm telling you I had absolutely NOTHING to do with your daughters accident. I would never hurt her I love her I'd give my life for her! Please don't bar me from ATLEAST seeing her ATLEAST being able to put eyes on her and see her breathing Chris pleaded.

Take me to my baby room I said as I grabbed the doctors hand and turned my back to the family who were once an extension of Now they were merely nothing more than "suspects". I would never allow any of them to endanger my child again involvement or not. I followed him down the hall to see the damage that has been done to my beautiful flower; my beautiful child ......

Thank you for bearing with me as I finish up my very first Novel British. There will be approximately 5-6 more chapters before this story will end and British Reloaded will be released the sequel to British! So stay tuned and keep reading ❤️

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