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  Hello there!

Thanks for taking a look at my work, 'A Spectrum of Anodyne Poetry'. It's a collection of the poems that I have been writing since July 2011, and with them a short story set in a dream ('The Rain that soaks me').

These poems can also be found separately in my Works list, but I just thought that keeping them in a single work simultaneously would be easier to find for readers. 

 There are 19 poems in this collection as of 24/04/12. 'A Spectrum of Anodyne Poetry' is now completed and I will soon start a new collection of poems, with slightly different topics. 

 My poetry is based upon Nature-

 I am inspired by natural phenomena such as the Rain, the Snow, the Colors, the Sunshine, Air, Water, the Earth, Fire, the Ocean and the Mountains-and as a matter of fact, everyday that I am on the bus going home from school, I sit on the right where the windows face the lake and the mountains, so often where I had been writing my poetry was actually on the bus. 

 I am also inspired by God.

 To me, He is the fire that keeps us burning. He is the love that never ends. 

 Many elements in my poems are actually based upon His love, which we ourselves cannot possibly imagine just how great that is! 

 There will be many more poems written down here, and about four already, are used in my other work, 'Like most I came from an Ocean...', a book which I have also been writing since July. 

 Two poems here on this 'Spectrum' of poetry, titled 'Mountain Lungs' and 'X', have really no sense at all. The first is generally just an artwork full of words which are hardly used nowadays-more or less to improve the vocabulary of myself and others, and the second: merely a freedom of imagination (I wrote whatever sprang to mind whilst writing it).

 I'd like to add that in the seventh poem of this collection, (entitled 'The Mother of the Water') when I speak of 'The Mother of the Water', I intend 'the source' of water, and I am portraying that source as a beautiful angelic woman made of water, similar to Akiane Kramarik's painting, 'Water Angel'.

 In fact, I was inspired by the incredibly dreamlike painting.

 By the way, the small asterisks that precede some of the poems' titles are indicators of the same poems used in 'Like most I came from an Ocean...', with the explanation of why they were used at the bottom of the page. 

 One more thing-these poems are meant to be Spiritual.

 I just love the idea of being in different dimensions, waking up in a Dream, spiritually connecting with other phenomena (such as the ones listed above) and developing my sensations when it comes to confronting the beauty of Nature.

 Finally, I'd just like to say that in this poetry which I hope you will enjoy, there are often many hidden metaphors and messages, and if you try to guess them and get them right by telling me through comments or any kind of message, I vow to read ONE of your works, comment on them and vote, too. 

 So, I hope you enjoy reading these poems and that, in some way, they help you to realise just how amazing the Universe really is. 

 Remember to always comment, vote and fan!

 Thanks a lot :)


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