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That colourful,

that infinite-

that beautiful and

so intricate.

 A room of chambers,

a room of stars-

a room of changes and

of lands afar.

 So black,

so unusual-

so amazing and

that meaningful.

 All so magic,

all so sweet-

scientifically exact and

all so wonderfully unique.

 God is it's Father,

Time is it's brother-

Nature is it's partner

while the Earth is it's daughter.

 Minds belong to him,

love appertains to him-

logic is connected to him

and his lights are never dim.

 A labyrinth of works,

a maze of delights-

a Paradise of harmony

and a neverending sight.

 A paradox of beauty,

a warp of time-

full of dimensions,

and patterns that shine.

 Elements of peace and

neutrons of atoms-

a purely incredible world

that amazes over a maximum.

 Forever fantastic eyes it has,

and infinite means of wonders-

an imagination brought straight  to life

and a smile that will continuously meander.


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