*Anodyne like Our Love

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Oh! From such a high height I see a blue river,

with a golden bay and a purple reflection-this is such a

beautiful river, but when will I ever gain her affection?

 Whisper to me-from your heart of a dazzling emulation.

 You love me, I know that, but why can't we be together?

 These sheer rocks hobble me from reaching you safely,

so I look lovingly at your liquid eyes, breathe in the earthy

air and jump.

 The wind blows through my mouth that longs to rest on yours.

 Suddenly, I stop breathing.

 My chest tightens and my eyes shut-a collision of thunder and

sun in water.

 A splash. Drops of echoes. A broken heart sealed.

 I am now in your hands-in a bubble we are gently floating into

ashes of love.

 Oh! Such a beautiful river, that flows into the mountain rocks.

 And what she carries with her: a reflection of affection.

 And bravery.

 And what is left on the shore?

 A fragment of what we once had. Some growth of tenderness,

laid on a golden bay by a river of purple reflection-but how will I

ever gain the river's affection? 


 (A character from my my other work, 'Like most I came from an Ocean...' wrote this for someone from the same book for hidden reasons. The chapter in which this poem is written has not been published yet, therefore I cannot say who wrote this.) 

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