Elektrik Love

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Versatile, isn't it?

The brightness from your eyes. 

They look forever, as in eternal sight,

and have lights that dance in cries. 

 I am swaying like a reed in a pond, 

 listening to the wails of the dying weed. 

 The crabs fell into the liquid with me,

and your tears filled me up with need. 

 Please don't leave me.

 I can simply not exist without your vicinity. 

 As surely as a poem can be,

your love is pure electricity. 

 From a large cloud do we come,

of silver lining and infinite medicines.

 I had your heart for my soul, won, 

and then we flew down into the sea of specimens. 

 Your gaze is universal,

mine is troglodytic. 

 But, re finding happiness through a reversal,

 results in my soul being no longer static. 

 I saw you in a dream,

and you brought me into your world.

 My spirit soaked in a life-long stream, 

along with the lights of mysteries that whirled.

 The energy from our hands connect,

and the romance between us never dies. 

 Nature and earth use their knowledge to affect-

whilst I'm there, speaking with a million 'Why's'.

 It's confirmed-we're together-

like pages in a book of romance. 

 I have always loved you and will love you forever,

in the equation of the multiverse's expanse. 

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