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      What the heck it's twelve already ! guess my writings always steals my time. Ohh my god!! but I have to wake up at exactly six tomorrow, if I go to sleep right this second I will get five hours and fifty six minutes of sleep, well thats enough. I guess. But I just hope that nightmare dosen't visit tonight .

     And as I headed to bed to sleep I took a second to just stare at my reflection in the mirror abit. A second that I hated the most, where I cant even find my self anymore, not that I even remember who I was. Ok I'm not that deep. Time to sleep. That rhimed lol.

      Darnit! now its 1 minute and 23 seconds less, I have to sleep like now! I took a deep breath and closed my eyes .

|   5:49 A.M.   |

     My eyes shoot open as I gasped for air. It look me a couple of minutes to realize it was just that same nightmare I have everysingle day.

    I looked at the time and it was 5:52, thank god ! I always sleep like 3 hours then get bothered by that nightmare and never attempt sleeping that night again, but this is great I sleept like five hours and that's an accomplishment !

      I stood up to head to the bathroom and start my day it took me a few wobbly steps to finally gain my balance again .

     Should I get ready or have breakfast first? Who am I kidding there's no choice here. I mean who can say no to pancakes!

    I headed to the kitchen to make some pancakes for breakfast to find lexi sitting on the kitchen counter with the largest bowl of Icecream I'v ever seen .

"Hey dummy what are you doing this early in the kitchen ?? " I asked lexi.

"What are you doing here ?" She asked back with a mouthful of icecream .

" I'm ........ wait I asked first ! " I crossed my armes and tried to fake a serios look wich failed miserably as we laughed hysterically at each other. Yes we are kinda crazy.

"One dosen't always need a reason to be at the kitchen counter with icecream at 5 am " lexi explained while still laughing "annndd it's not just simply any icecream it's cookie dough " she smiled raising the spoon beside her face.

"Ok you made your point , do you want pancakes with them? " I asked even though I already know her answer and started to mix a batter for two .

"Yaasssssssss" she screamed loudly .

"Ok calm down the neighbors will probably sue you soon " I laughed at her reaction that I guessed.

"Can I have 8 ? " lexi asked trying to attempet a puppie eyes .

"Ok. ok but please stop with the puppie eyes , you loom like a crazy witch and nothing like a cute puppy " I teased her.

" I don't care if it dosen't look cute as long as I'll get more food " she pouted then smiled at the thought of more food. What a little child .

Lexi is my only friend here in america, Not that I'm anti-social or anything but I just like to keep things real. We live together too. Isn't that fun !

"Li ann ! " lexi's squeaky voice screamed.

"What??" I ask from accross the house
We litterary just do that all the time .

"Come.come.come!!" Her loud excited voice screamed from accross the house

I fliped the last pancake into the plate and went to see what's going on with her "what is it ?" I ask placing my hands on
my hips .

"Guess what " she says with excitement visible in her smiling eyes.

" Our school is on fire " I say sarcastically .

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