dodge ball

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It's Lunch time babyyyy, probably the only time I get excited in school. My stomach was already growling weird inhumane noices .

I headed strait to the school's cafeteria and sat at my usual place with my food tray and had already began eating.

I felt a sudden pain in my right shoulder, I turend my cheeks towards it and it was lexi pocking me with both hands trying to get my attention. She moved to tap me again, but pocked my eyes instead. "Owch," I blinked trying not to tear up. Lexi didn't even notice because she's bussy looking the opposite direction. She's just like Taylor Swift not with the looks but like when she's working on an album - she's one track minded, focused entirely on the male genotype.

"Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. You are not looking Li, loook."

"Kind of hard to see when you've been blinded," I scowled at her, still cupping my throbbing eye. My other eye followed her erect index finger, to see the some unrecognizable guys sitting at the table across ours.

"What??, is it your first time seeing humans ? " I teased

"No, it's not that but I heard they are new transfer students "

"Who the hell transfers by the end of the year, they must've been expelled or something." I say taking another bite of my sandwich.

"No idea." Lexi whispered back at me, almost as if she was on a reconnaissance mission." But I'd love to find out for you." She said with a goofy smile on her face.

Thankfully, she is my best friend and I can trust her with anything. Or else she'd be really scary. I also knew that in twenty minutes, she could have the story of their lives.

"No, thankyou, now eat." I say to lexi as she started to stuff her face .

"Your loss, but I'm doing it anyways" she hardly even spoke these words because of her stuffed mouth .

"I know" I say with a chuckle.

We finished our lunch and the bell rang, everyone headed back to their classrooms but my next class was P.E, physical education, so I headed to the gym after leaving my backpack in my locker.

I arrived at the looker room and it seems like chaos. girls were everywhere, talking as loud as they can. Some are gossiping, some are groaning beacuse they were going to ruin their 'perfectly caked face' with disgusting sweat, and some were planing to fake sickness. How Stupid.

I grabbed my gym clothes from my locker and got changed into them. And as soon as I did, I escaped this looker room and headed to the gym class.

Some kids were already out, standing among their small groups in their own world. Soon, Ms. Naja blew her whistle, causing everyone to jump. And in panic everyone left the looker rooms and quickly ran to their roll call order.

Ms. Naja the strictest P.E teacher you'd ever meet, as if you'd want to. If you don't follow her rules she'll make you run laps around the school until both your feet bleed. Just ask Ed, he hasn't come back to school after the marathon Ms. Naja made him do when he had the nerve to chew gum in her class.

"Listen up," Ms. Naja said, glaring at each and every one of us. "Today we'll be doing dodge ball practice, we haven't done that in a while" .

Some groaned and some started to talk to partner up with their friends. But Ms. Naja's whistle made them all shut up.

"Our class will play with class b , so everyone here is on one team" Ms. Naja said as the other class entered the gym hall. "You have three minutes to get ready or else you'll run hundred laps around the school's track "

The girls that were planing to fake being sick didn't even dare to open their mouth. Everyone stood in their assigned place with their dodge ball waiting for Ms. Naja's whistel.

Ms. Naja's whistel blew and the squeaks of the running shoes could be heard against the floor as kids ran towards the balls in the middle. One of the larger boys on my team grabbed a dodge ball and hit a boy on the opposite team right away. People cheered as the boy walked over to the bench in frustration. I grabbed a ball and neared the middle of the gym. A few girls - the snobby ones - stayed back, talking to their friends as if they weren't in the middle of a dodge ball game. A few even purposely chose to get hit so that they could sit on the bench and talk to each other. How stupid.

I threw the ball that I had and got one guy out because he was bussy expecting to get hit from someone much bulkier than I am. Ha! Jokes on you now. He walked over to the bench glaring at me.

A ball flew right towards me but I caught it and got the boy out. Then whipped the ball at a girl standing a few feets from the line; she was about to hit one of the guys on my team with a ball. But my ball hit her first and she glared at me furiously before trudging off to the bench.

The game rolled on, as more and more people got eliminated. I was still in and a couple more guys on my team. And the other team had two girls and a guy .
A ball came directly to hit the guy infront of me, but he ducked down and it was now inches from my face. "Shit" I mumbled.


"Help" I heard a a crying little voice. But I just can't figure where is it from.
"No please" I heared the same voice again. It's sounds like a little kid is really crying. But I can't see anything. It's so dark that I couldn't see anything.
"Where are you?" I say looking for the kid but my voice didn't make a sound, I say it again but this time screaming it but I Didn't even make a sound. I was mute.

I limped aimlessly through the dark, scared, searching for that little kid. I really wanted to escape this horrifying place but the crying of that little kid is echoing in the dark. I have to help.

"Noo, please help!" I hear that voice crying even harder. Like it was dying.

"Where are you" I scream again but no voice came out .

Suddenly I heared a loud sound like a glass breaking and then that voice screaming at the top of it's lungs "Nooooooo"

A sudden rush of emotions hit me like a truck, overwhelming me like nothing has done before. I drooped to my knees, tears flowing down my face as I felt scared and helpless .


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