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I opened my eyes abruptly jolting my body from where I was laying down. My mind is racing, my heart is beating so fast like I ran miles and miles then ended up not having water. I put my both my hands on my face, shaking my head. A nightmare in the middle of the day! now I'm impressed of what my brain is capable of.

I looked around and there was a few other beds other than mine and a cupboard full of medicines. So I was at the clinic, I figured.

"Are you okay?" The school's nurse asked me and I nod.

"How long have I been here?" I ask.

"For about three hours," she answered "school is about to be over".

I didn't utter a word I just noded, trying to foucus and get my self together.

"We tried contacting your parents but we couldn't" The nurse says monotonely while arranging some papers. Well offcourse you couldn't contact them. One is dead and the other is always away.

I placed my feet on the ground trying to regain my strenth. It took me a few wobbly steps untill I was focused again .

"Thanks" I said as I left the clinic.

The bell rang and everyone was out in the hall heading towards the exit door. My eyes spoted lexi right away she was standing beside my locker. I walk towards her then someone calls my name.

"Li anne" I heared, so I stoped and turned towards whoever was calling my name.

A tall guy with deep hazel eyes and a fit body approached me, " Li anne...right?"

"Ya" I say nonchalantly. I think he's the guy who threw the dodge ball. Yup it's him.

"Look I'm sorry about the ball earlier, I wasn't going to throw it that hard if it was you but it was meant for Dean but you know he dodged it, I'm sorry again. Are you feeling alright? I can drive you to the hospital to check on it or something?" He said with a worrid tone scratching the back of his neck.

"No, it's okay now. I'm alright, and I know it was unintentional so don't worry I'll not sew you or anything. Thanks for asking" I say smiling.

"I don't think you are fine. The ball hit you so hard that you dropped dead and didn't make a sound, I thought that I killed you" his deep husky voice was full of concern.

"I swear I'm okay, ya my head hurts abit but it should be fine in a while and if anything I should thank you" I say as I chuckle lightly.

"Thank me!" He says shocked .

"Ya you, I skipped my worst classes in the day, calculus and physics, because of this, I propaply should celebrate" I reply.

His now relaxed laugh cut me off "Well I'm glad you are okay and skiped your worst classes, and my offer is still up whenever you like".

"Thanks...umm" I stoped for a second then he interrupted "it's Brent".

"Ok thank you brent, see you around" I say as I leave and go to lexi who is still standing by my locker.

"Hey lex"

"I saw everything" she says trying to make her eyes sharp as she stared at me .

"Everything what?"

"Why were you talking to that guy, who is he ? Does he go to one of your classes? Did you beat him up ? He looks familiar. Don't talk to him untill I'm done with my research" lexi ask a series of questions while staring at him.

"No, stop he was just apologizing fpr earlier"

"Earlier? So you did beat him up!" She reaches out for my ears and graped them "what did I say about beating up people, just ignore them"

I laugh as I remove her hands of my ears "no, I didn't beat him up. he just accidentally threw the dodge ball too hard that it hit my head and made me faint for a couple of hours " I explain.

"That son of a! I'll kill him" lexi says as she glared at him and I think he noticed. lol.

"Calm down I said it was accidental and he apologized too, and wait here weren't you just telling me not to beat up people and you go starit wanting to kill them" I say chuckling while pushing lexi outside the school before she does anything stupid.

"Ok I'll let him live for now, but is your head okay? Should we go to the hospital? yup we should" she continued with her series of questions while draging me to the car behind her.

"Calm down 'MOM' I swear it's fine, let's just go home I want to get ready to go to doctor huston" I say getting in her black bimmer.

"Fine" she rolled her eyes and started the car.


"Good afternoon Dr Huston" I greeted sitting on a leather chair across his table, and may I add this is chair is so comfortable!

"Good afternoon Ms. Li anne" he paused for a moment "I've already studied your condition from what you've emailed me but I'd like to ask you some questions".

"Ya sure" I reply tottaly distracted by a strong smell of coffee. I love coffee, and this smell is gonna kill me.

"What is your prediction about this nightmare Ms. Li Anne?" He asks.

"Look, I don't really know" I reply.

"Then could you tell me what you know?" He added .

"Ten years ago, I got into an accident . Wich I can't really recall, but I've been told so. I woke up after a two months of being in a deep coma, to find my self here in america which at the time I didn't even speak English that well since it wasn't my first language. It was terrifying, I didn't even remember my own name, or what have even happend . Doctors told me that it would be hard remembering anything since my brain was really damaged after that terrible accident" I paused for a moment then continued.

"After about a month I got relased from the hospital and went to a new house here in america. My father told me that he couldn't stay and left me with a nanny and was sending me money all the time. He didn't vist much, he only came when I got in trouble. Solve it , scold me and then leave again".

I zoned out for a bit..." But he never knew how much I suffered... how much that nightmare kills me me every night ".

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