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My name is (y/n). I am 15 years old and a first year high school girl. I am one of the people who received a scholarship, the only thing is... my scholarship was made for a boy. This means I must dress as a boy. I have no choice. I want to make my mom proud of me. I studied so hard to get this far and I don't plan on backing out now. I will study hard get good grades so I can go to college to study to become a college professor. After that I hope to meet someone to marry, and have 2 to 3 kids. I want true love, not some puppy love that ends badly. I don't want to put my my mom down, but I do not want to make the same mistakes as her. I love my mom and if not for me she would probably still be trapped with that so called man! Thankfully those times are over now, and I will make  my mom proud of me by working hard and following my dreams. Don't worry mom, I will do my best at school tomorrow and for the rest of my life, even if I have to pretend to be a boy to make you proud of me. All I want is for you to be happy. I love you mom.

So I think I fixed all the spelling mistakes I can't promise anything tho sweet dreams~

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