The ball part 2

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you walked out the door you wasn't paying attention to where you was going and you bumped into someone "hey watch where your going please or you might get hurt" said the stranger you then looked up as you said "sorry..I didn't mean to.." You noticed it was hikaru and smiled he lightly blushed realizing it was you "(y/n).. You look..beautiful" you blushed lightly and smiled "thank you hikaru" he offered you a hand and you gladly accepted it he pulled you up to your feet and smiled at you "what are you doing" he said "me and hodohie (listen I legit can't spell some of these names I'll learn how to eventually but I can't right now I'm sorry 😢) was on our way to the host club and I stopped off by the bathroom to check my makeup" "oh it looks great .. So do you" he said smirking a bit you blushed and said "thanks and you look quite handsome yourself" he got another light blush across his cheeks and smiled at you "well we better be heading back to the host club before we get in trouble by the boss because The ball starts in about 10 minutes " you nodded and said "OK let's go" and you two walked back to the host club together when you both arrived he explained a bit more about the ball and fanboyed over how cute you looked then it was time for the ball to start so you all made your way out to the top of the stair case outside and everyone looked at you guys and tomakie nodded to you and you walked up to the front to announce the start of the ball "welcome to the ouran ball hosted by the host club we hope you all enjoy the ball and you can dance with any host you please all you have to do is ask for a dance! Now enjoy!" And with that the ball started you and the rest of the hosts walked down the stairs  and one by one you separated from each other it wasn't long till you got a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see a  familiar face "hey (y/n)" He bowed "may I have this dance?" You smiled and nodded at him "of course it would be my pleasure" you said and bowed he then took your hand and lead you to the dance floor you could see girls looking at him with heart eyes then looking at you with jealousy but you just ignored it and looked back at..

((Cliff hanger so who do you think it is? And who do you hope it is? Well we will find out in the next up date also I'm sorry the chapters are so short 😂 till next time my little cherry blossoms))

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