The Ball part 1

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It came time once again for the ouran ball and you and hodohie was getting ready you was drying your hair as you waited for hodohie to get out of the shower once she did you two went on to your hair appointment and got them cut/styled then after that you guys went back home and hidohies dad helped with your make up after you both put on your dresses you looked at the clock and realized it was still a couple hours till the ball started so you two choose to go in a bit early to see the rest of The host club "hey I'm going to stop of by the bathroom and make sure my makeup is OK" you told hodohie she said OK and continued on to the host club.

~~~~~~~~~~~hodohies pov~~~~~~~~~~

She walked down the hall and stopped at the music room that is now known as the host club and entered when she did she noticed all the hosts where there except for one twin known as hikaru but she didn't think anything of it it wasn't much longer till one of them noticed she was there and started to fanboy over how cute she looked tomiki of course started to cry saying "daddy's so proud of his little girl" and hodohie just replied with "senpai..." And then honey spoke up "hodo-chan you look so cute" he complimented then mori  nodded with a "mhm" then kyoya said "yes you've out done yourself this might even attract some more male customers to the ball" and last of all karou he gave two thumbs up and said "nice dress" she thanked them all then looked over at the door and said "(y/n) will be in shortly"

~~~~~~~~~~~~your pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You checked your makeup in the bathroom mirror and realized it was still good so you looked at your hair to make sure it was fine too and it was all good you adjusted your dress a bit and smiled at yourself in the mirror and walked back out when you walked out the door you wasn't paying attention to where you was going and you bumped into someone "hey watch where your going please or you might get hurt" said the stranger you then looked up as you said "sorry..I didn't mean to.." You noticed it was hikaru and smiled he lightly blushed realizing it was you "(y/n).. You look.."

OK so I said to myself that I needed to update so I choose to stop it here so its kind of like a cliff hanger but I will update soon enough thank you for reading! till next time my little cherry blossoms

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